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ToyVoyager Profile: BrunoAusTirol

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Name: BrunoAusTirol
Description: Hello friends! Bruno and I'm coming from Tyrol. I love adventure and travel. I would like to travel around the world, learn about other countries and other stuffed animals. I adapt quickly to my surroundings and am always friendly. It is good to me, I always laugh! I hope you will send me around the world. I would be happy once you get to know. Sincerely, your Bruno from Tyrol
Gender: Male
Birthday: 2005-03-11
Height (cm): 10
Weight (g): 100

Life Missions: [0 out of 5 complete]:
Incomplete: Go through New York and stand atop the Empire State Building
Incomplete: See the Golden Gate Bridge
Incomplete: View attractions in Sydney
Incomplete: Once standing in front of the Eiffel Tower
Incomplete: Even see giant turtles

Mentor: BettyBoop
Hosted by: Lea-Zoe Dr.Kröbner Clemy


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