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ToyVoyager Profile: Miggy

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Name: Miggy
Description: Hy, my name's Miggy. I'm I cute yellow piggy. I'm very curious and I'm always smiling! It's a dream to travel around the world and watching soccer or all kind of sport. I love soccer. Please, take me to the stadium. When I'm not watching sports, I like sightseeing.
Gender: Male
Birthday: 2011-10-22
Height (cm): 15
Weight (g): 165

Life Missions: [0 out of 5 complete]:
Incomplete: go to soccer stadiums
Incomplete: go to Wembley Stadium in London
Incomplete: go to FIFA World CUP 2014
Incomplete: see the most popular monuments (do sightseeing)
Incomplete: go to Asia

Mentor: dawoni
Hosted by: Stu1981 Vanndre Katatonia orangesunshine Julie Hansen Jerena SiniS JunCTionS DARK_ANGEL


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