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ToyVoyager Profile: Baby Gonga

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Name: Baby Gonga
Description: Baby Gonga is an adventurous little baby ape. Who loves the outdoors She has a whole Gonga family here but has been traveling with me for sometime, here and there. She would like to travel further. (Baby Gonga is a very special vintage ape. Her kind were originally made by Sekiguchi but the maker Russ Berrie took over productions and produced them in the eighties.)
Gender: Female
Birthday: 1983-02-01
Height (cm): 12
Weight (g): 90

Life Missions: [1 out of 5 complete]:
Complete: To go camping in another country
Incomplete: To go on a boat
Incomplete: To meet another Russ Berrie toy
Incomplete: To visit a supermarket in another country
Incomplete: To go to a cinema or theatre

Mentor: Leslee
Hosted by: eurydike


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