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ToyVoyager Profile: Gilbert

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Name: Gilbert
Description: Hello friends! My name is Gilbert and I am a little piggy. I am anxiously awaiting to find out where I am going first. If you would like to be my host, please PM my owner Michele. Oink, Oink! Gilbert
Birthday: 2002-02-02
Height (cm): 18
Weight (g): 141.75

Life Missions: [2 out of 5 complete]:
Complete: Have my portrait drawn.
Incomplete: To find a travel buddy (someone small).
Incomplete: Send a Pig postcard to my owner from every place I visit.
Incomplete: To ride in a Louis Vuitton Purse or something similar.
Complete: Have a sweater made for me.

Mentor: Michele_one_L
Hosted by: Violette28 Vicki MrsC Marjolein


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