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ToyVoyager Profile: Muki

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Name: Muki
Description: I'm a little Hungarian dog, called Muki. We already have a toyvoyager in our family. His name is Tobi and after I read his blog entries I asked my mum to help me. I would like to be a toyvoyager too and my dream is to visit as many places as possible. I hope we'll find some kind people who would like to host me and take care of me.
Birthday: 2007-07-15
Height (cm):
Weight (g):

Life Missions: [1 out of 5 complete]:
Incomplete: Visit Russia and maybe meet with the group t.A.T.u.:)
Incomplete: Travel to Madrid and relax in the park Retiro
Incomplete: Visit Australia and/or New Zealand
Incomplete: See as many famous monuments as possible
Complete: Sunbathing on some nice beaches

Mentor: Szandra
Hosted by: Mistigree The Sparkle tarepanda wourpet carlissa


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