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ToyVoyager Profile: Millicent

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Name: Millicent
Description: Hi there! I'm Millicent (call me Millie, please!) Bopper. I'd like to travel the world with my boyfriend Aaron. Emjay is my mum and Goomymia is my adoptive mum in Beijing. Originally I come from the USA, but I lived in The Netherlands for a long time. If you like to host me, please invite Aaron too! Thanks! Hope to meet you soon!
Gender: Female
Birthday: 1992-11-25
Height (cm): 20
Weight (g): 65

Life Missions: [1 out of 5 complete]:
Incomplete: Travel around the world with Aaron Perkowitz
Incomplete: Decorate Christmastrees and have Christmas dinners (1/7)
Incomplete: Riding a scooter or a bike
Complete: Go to Beijing
Incomplete: Visit UNESCO World Heritage sites (0/7)

Mentor: Emjay
Hosted by: goomymia


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