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ToyVoyager Profile: Savannah

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Name: Savannah
Description: I'm Savannah, a nice leopard (panthera pardus) lady. Don't worry, I won't eat you - I'm a vegetarian. I'm also very soft and cuddly! I like being outdoors and especially climbing on trees. I would like to see the world and learn about felines in different parts of the globe. I'm friendly and polite unless I see someone hurting animals - then I get furious and might just forget that I'm a vegetarian...
Birthday: 1991-05-11
Height (cm): 15
Weight (g): 42

Life Missions: [0 out of 5 complete]:
Incomplete: Meet a real leopard (panthera pardus)
Incomplete: Visit an animal shelter
Incomplete: Visit a Zoo in each country I visit
Incomplete: Send a postcard home from everywhere I go
Incomplete: Climb on a tree everywhere I go

Mentor: Delenna
Hosted by: whatif


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