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ToyVoyager Profile: Jeremy

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Name: Jeremy
Description: Jeremy is a sweet little baby white tiger who loves coffee.
Gender: Male
Birthday: 2011-09-03
Height (cm):
Weight (g):

Life Missions: [2 out of 5 complete]:
Complete: Meet a Disney Character.
Incomplete: (2 of 3 completed-San Francisco & Lisbon) Visit three zoos and see a live tiger at each one.
Incomplete: Fly in three different airplanes. (1 of three--Finland to Portugal!)
Complete: Have coffee in three different countries. (U.S.A., Finland & Portugal!)
Incomplete: Celebrate a holiday with three different hosts.2 of 3, Halloween with Maggie & Easter with Henn

Mentor: LittleCableCars
Hosted by: amb167 Eohippus


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