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ToyVoyager Profile: Torsten

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Name: Torsten
Description: I am a little dog which was adopted. My mummy Fabi called me Torsten as I am as black as the clothes her boyfriend Torsten always wears. And my eyes are the same colour like Torstens, brown.
Gender: Male
Birthday: 2010-12-18
Height (cm):
Weight (g):

Life Missions: [1 out of 5 complete]:
Incomplete: visit a fire department and meet nice fire fighters
Complete: read a book of the Discworld (Terry Pratchett)
Incomplete: eat a big chewing bone
Incomplete: meet 5 other dogs (0/5)
Incomplete: have a photo with sailing boat

Mentor: BlackCat
Hosted by: after4ever Eohippus Helmi


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