Oberaurach, Germany - 19th January 2012
By: beelicious
Hi everyone!
I'm Ulani.
I love it to smell flowers.
As my sister Kalea (also a TV) has disappeared on their journey, I now try to conquer the world.
I hope I meet many nice people who help me!
This are my friends.
My first journey goes to Austria. I'm so excited!
Wish me luck!
Your Ulani
Posted Jan 19, 2012, 6:58 pm
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Prinzersdorf, Austria - 23rd January 2012
By: cestbon
Hello Mum
I just arrived in Austria and already had the pleasure to meet Charly who is also staying with my new host; can you imagine - he is a fox!!! They both welcomed me in a very nice way (I arrived just in time for breakfast!).
My host told me that we will go to Vienna either today or on Wednesday. Furthermore we will fly to Paris to see my host's boyfriend - he promised to take us to Versailles - and go to some other cities in Austria. Unfortunately I missed the trip to Salzburg but Charly showed me some photos.
I will try to find some abloom flowers during the next days but it will be hard due to the fact that spring is still far away.
Best Ulani
Posted Jan 23, 2012, 8:54 am
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Vienna, Austria - 24th January 2012
By: cestbon
Hello Mum
Today the three of us (Charly, me and my host) went to Vienna and Baden.
We saw the most important monuments in Vienna (Stephansdom, Secession, Karlskirche, city hall, university, opera etc.); afterwards we had to run soooooo fast to catch the train to Baden. I have to admit the afternoon there was quite boring because we did not have to do anything except attending an English seminar...
As you might notice we took a picture of us infront of an interactive board; my host likes these boards, which can be found in underground stations, so much.
Baden is a city which is very close to Vienna and famous for good wine, a natural spa and the casino.
Posted Jan 24, 2012, 4:22 pm
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St. Pölten, Austria - 27th January 2012
By: cestbon
Dear Mum
You won't believe what happened today! We (Charley and I) joined my host's mother to the kindergarten cause she works there; we had a lot of fun with the children and my host's mum took beautiful photos. Then she left the children for 2 minutes unattended with the camera and they broke it. Now there aren't any photos left . My host will check if she can transfer the photos from the memory card but she doesn't hold out much hope...
Anyway we will make some new photos this weekend! Please don't be sad!
Posted Jan 27, 2012, 4:35 pm
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Prinzersdorf, Austria - 29th January 2012
By: cestbon
Dear mum
Today we went for a walk in Prinzersdorf. It's a small village close to St. Pölten.
The river you can see in the photos is called Pielach.
Posted Jan 29, 2012, 5:10 pm
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Vienna, Austria - 2nd February 2012
By: cestbon
Due to the fact that we take the train so often the conductor offered us a special ticket today!!!
I am freezing so much but I think it is also very cold at home!
Posted Feb 2, 2012, 2:27 pm
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Versailles, France - 4th February 2012
By: cestbon
Today we went to Versailles - unfortunately it was forbidden to take photos inside the building but I can assure you the rooms were amazing.
Posted Feb 9, 2012, 10:53 am
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Paris, France - 5th February 2012
By: cestbon
We went to Paris today. Due to bad weather conditions and the fact that my host knows the city already very well we only went for seeing the most important sights.
Posted Feb 9, 2012, 11:09 am
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Eurodisney, France - 7th February 2012
By: cestbon
We went to Eurodisney!!! It was a birthday present for my host! Because it was so cold we did not have to wait infront of the attractions which was great - we went to both parks (also the Universal Film Studios)!
Posted Feb 9, 2012, 11:26 am
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Prinzersdorf, Austria - 12th February 2012
By: cestbon
Dear Mum
I am on my way to Switzerland right now!
Posted Feb 12, 2012, 10:19 am
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Thal, Switzerland - 22nd February 2012
By: KoboldJoe
Hello Mom,
after a long cold Time now my Trip has finished. I was a little bit tired but today i arrived in Switzerland.
A little bit cold here and Mountains with Snow. It was a hard Trip
and it is better that i sleep some Hours.
It was nice because i found 2 Friends and one comes from a long long Trip. All called him Buddy, a little Dinosaur from Australia and he told me that he gone this week at my HOME and you Mom
I told him something and will give him a nice Präsent from me to you
Love you Mom
Posted Feb 22, 2012, 12:40 am
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Thal, Switzerland - 2nd March 2012
By: KoboldJoe
Hello Mom,
now it is a nice Time. I sleep well after my long Trip and the it is really warm and nice here.
At this weekend we ride a short Trip in the Mountain and i am nervous really see High Mountains
Here look i found a new Friend named Buddy, he comes from Australien and i told him from my Home because Buddy we start the Trip to you Mom
I give him a little surprise in the Package for my lovly Mom.
Posted Mar 2, 2012, 9:33 am
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