Dortmund, Germany - 26th October 2011
By: Traumfrosch
Hey there!
Before I will explore the world, I would like to show you what I experienced in my homecountry!
The destination of the first journey I did with my mentor was, unfortunately, to the hospital. We stayed there some days and now everything is fine again.
Look how sweet I look with my head bandage! Thankfully only a joke
Posted Nov 20, 2011, 9:38 pm Last edited Nov 24, 2011, 11:21 am by Traumfrosch
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Dortmund, Germany - 4th November 2011
By: Traumfrosch
I love fooling around in the leaves!!
How marvelous autumn can be in Germany!
Unfortunately the weather was also a typicall october day - foggy and cold so that I could not see one of Dortmund´s landmarks, the "U". Can you see it?!
Posted Nov 20, 2011, 9:44 pm Last edited Nov 20, 2011, 10:13 pm by Traumfrosch
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Wiehl, Germany - 20th November 2011
By: Traumfrosch
SchokoCookie! My friend! :-)
We spent a day together, probably our last day together until we will meet abroad! (For those who don´t know yet: our mentors Traumfrosch and SchokoCookie (don´t be confused, they have the same name ) bet who of us will travel more miles!)
I tried to complete one of my missions - fishing and catch a big fish, but there were no fishes...later my host told me I forgott to add some lures to my fishing-rod, next time I will do so!
Then we climbed up a tree and discovered a pond with some really strange looking animals I it. We ran to them and..they tried to pick us with their beak! (Do you know how they are called? They look a little bit like me, but they are definetly no raccoons!)
So we continued exploring the park and found a huge waterfall. But it was too cold to take a shower...
Posted Nov 20, 2011, 10:01 pm Last edited Nov 21, 2011, 6:01 pm by Traumfrosch
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Airport, Luxembourg - 21st November 2011
By: Traumfrosch
Today I travelled to Luxembourg Airport with my mentor Traumfrosch. How exciting!
Can you teach me to fly the helicopter and the airplane? Please
Posted Nov 21, 2011, 5:57 pm Last edited Nov 21, 2011, 5:57 pm by Traumfrosch
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Dortmund, Germany - 21st November 2011
By: Traumfrosch
Hey dude! Yes, you!
Would you like to be my first host?
I had a lot of fun with Traumfrosch but now I want to discover more of this amazing world!
Just send a message to us, so we can meet soon!
I am looking forward to cuddling up to you!
Posted Nov 21, 2011, 6:29 pm Last edited Nov 21, 2011, 6:30 pm by Traumfrosch
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Dortmund, Germany - 22nd November 2011
By: Traumfrosch
Today I made the acquaintance of Niko, he is and Advent calendar and will stay at Traumfrosch´s home until christmas.
I asked him to accompany me on my first travel (in some minutes I will start searching a friendly host, I am so excited), but he denied, saying he was to big...
Maybe I will meet him againg next year or the year after, depending on how long my journey will be
In behave of Traumfrosch I give a big THANK YOU to SchokoCookie who presented Niko to him!
Posted Nov 22, 2011, 1:43 pm Last edited Nov 22, 2011, 3:37 pm by Traumfrosch
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nearly on the way, at home - 24th November 2011
By: Traumfrosch
Thank you for all your mails!!!
I am really excited about visiting Germany´s capital Berlin with Camaro5 and his hometown Schipkau in eastern Germany,
having a great time with annix in Milano,
flying across the Atlantic to visit acescorcio in Sao Paulo,
getting to know northern europe while staying at minnihiiru in Finland and finally
getting together with GeoCRAt in Dubai!!
It was so hard to decide where to go first, so I decided by chance, throwing the dice. I hope, my travelling dates fit to your schedule, if not, just contact Traumfrosch, so he can create a new TravelTicket for me
I´m really looking forward to meeting each one of you and having a great time!
Today I started travelling in a cushioned envelope, but it will only be a short trip so I can get accustomed to it.
Take care, we wil meet soon!!
Posted Nov 24, 2011, 11:21 am
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Your friends, at home - 27th November 2011
By: Traumfrosch
Hey Finn!!
We are so happy to see that you arrived well at your host family!
They seem to be very nice and you are doing lots of things together To be honest, we are a little bit jealous, but to a greater extent we are missing you...But the time will pass very fast until we meet again, as we can read so many marvellous things you do
You know what? Today Traumfrosch also watched the derby BVB against Schalke with us - it was so great!! When you are back, we will go to the stadium, promised!
Now we are tired, but we are always observing your travelog to read your updates! See you soon and have fun!!
Mole, Nigel & Hippo
Posted Nov 27, 2011, 12:10 am
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Schipkau, Germany - 30th November 2011
By: Camaro5
Posted Nov 30, 2011, 10:07 pm Last edited Nov 30, 2011, 10:09 pm by Camaro5
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Schipkau, Germany - 4th December 2011
By: Camaro5
Hi from sunday!
Today, we gone in the nature, to a viewpoint.
It's on the place of the old settlement "Vogelberg". But, the Vogelberg had to go, caused the open-cast mining!
We are at the right way!
Little break, before we are at the viewpoint!
Arrived at the viewpoint, I get an entry at the visiters-book! Cool!
I can see my host's house! The red arrow marks it!
There is a second viewpoint, next to the other. Now, I can see the Lausitzring! In the next days, I can visit it! Look at the arrow!
Next to the Eurospeedway, I can see the crane for the biggest wind turbine of the world!
And I can see the other side of Schipkau.
Now, we are on the way back home!
Time for nice pictures!
I can also climb on trees!
But... How can I go back?
After coming back to earth, I see a wind turbine next to me!
Can you see it? It's just a little part of the biggest wind turbine park in europe!
Like in Italy!
The red cross marks the position of our day event!
Tomorrow, I go to Finsterwalde, the work town of my host. After work, we go to one of the largest building in the WORLD! A big record!
I'm so excited!
Posted Dec 4, 2011, 10:44 pm
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