Schwertberg, Austria - 21st November 2011
By: Vreni
Posted Nov 21, 2011, 11:13 am Last edited Nov 21, 2011, 7:28 pm by Vreni
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Schwertberg, Austria - 26th November 2011
By: Vreni
Hi to my family at home,
look what I've bought yesterday in Linz:
and now I'll wirte you a few words, but I'll write it in german language

Posted Nov 26, 2011, 10:52 am
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Schwertberg, Austria - 5th December 2011
By: Vreni
Lumpie is on the way to Australia, hope he will arrive soon and save.
Whis you all the best Lumpie,
yours Vreni 
Posted Dec 12, 2011, 9:28 am
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Kootingal, Australia - 28th December 2011
By: majicmiss
WOOHOO HAVE FINALLY ARRIVED!! Its been a long trip but Im finally here in Kootingal, its very pretty here and I'm glad to have made it just in time for afternoon tea of cinnamon donuts. I've already made friends With Ginny, been outside to have a look around and met one of my hosts dogs, his name is Byron and is very friendly.
Will write more tomorrow when I've had a little rest.
Posted Dec 28, 2011, 7:36 am
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Kootingal, Australia - 28th December 2011
By: majicmiss
I've been for a bit of a wander around outside, have sat in a very very old gum tree, had a look at the view, met Gingy one of my hosts rabbits, and watched the sun set.
I'm a bit tired now so its off to bed for me, tomorrow we have a few errands to run so I will be popping in with more stories and photos then. NIGHT NIGHT 
Posted Dec 28, 2011, 8:31 am
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Kootingal, Australia - 29th December 2011
By: majicmiss
I was a little jet-lagged today so I stayed indoors and rested, tomorrow I will be venturing out into Tamworth for lunch with family.
Posted Dec 29, 2011, 9:44 am
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Kootingal, Australia - 29th December 2011
By: majicmiss
Here I am enjoying another beautiful sunset and checking out the Toy Voyager page.
Posted Dec 29, 2011, 9:51 am
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Kootingal, Australia - 31st December 2011
By: majicmiss
Today we did a little driving and I got to drive the Jeep with my host Jill's daughters visiting TV Joshy. We went passed some beautiful green Lucerne farms, drove down the main street of Tamworth, checked out what was happening at the local club for new years eve, did a little after Christmas sale shopping and then it was time for lunch, vegetarian pizza! Yummo
Posted Dec 31, 2011, 3:58 am
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Kootingal, Australia - 31st December 2011
By: majicmiss
HAPPY NEW YEAR, from Australia, its another beautiful day here, we are going to relax a little today and do some more sight seeing tomorrow.
Now to have some cheese and tomato omelette for brekkie-YUM!
Posted Dec 31, 2011, 11:27 pm
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Kootingal, Australia - 5th January 2012
By: majicmiss
It has been very hot here in Kootingal so we really haven't been doing very much at all, today it was 34 degrees which is 93.2 degrees Fahrenheit.
I've been resting in the cool, eating lots of watermelon and drinking lots of black currant juice-its delicious.
The weather looks like its going to be hot all week!!
Posted Jan 5, 2012, 5:28 am
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