Upper Austria, Austria - 2nd November 2011
By: Carey
I'm still at home and I'm waiting excited to welcome my first host!
Posted Nov 2, 2011, 10:52 am
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still Upper Austria, Austria - 2nd November 2011
By: Carey
Spending time by looking at some pictures and snuggling with Maxi
Posted Nov 2, 2011, 10:56 am
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Christkindlmarkt Salzburg, Salzburg - 1st December 2011
By: Guest
Hi there!
The last weeks had been really hard here in Salzburg. Although it was not raining or snowing the weather was really bad... we had so much fog, you won't believe! And because of this weather our sightseeing was limited. But within the last days it got sunny.
Although there is still no snow here, we already visited the inner city of Salzburg, took a walk through the very famous "Getreidegasse", passing by "Mozarts Geburtshaus" and had some hot wine punch (called Glühwein here in Salzburg) and a baked potato.... yummy!!!!
So that's all for today... but as the weather is fine at the moment we can do more sightseeing!
Greetings from Salzburg.
Posted Dec 4, 2011, 8:27 pm
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FosterCareHome, Porvoo , Finland - 1st June 2012
By: FosterCareHome
I have arrived in Finland! I'm staying at the FosterCareHome untill my owner whistles me back My fostermom has a kid who simply l-o-v-e-s dogs, even toydogs - lucky me! My fostermom made me a nametag so that the kid wouldn't adopt me for good The nametag reminds her that I'm "just" visiting.
They both promised to take me out for a walk soon.
Posted Jun 1, 2012, 6:22 pm
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