home (Ahrweiler), Germany - 27th October 2011
By: Carina
I'm at home at the moment, but I hope to travel the next time. 
Posted Oct 27, 2011, 1:59 pm Last edited Nov 11, 2011, 4:45 am by Carina
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Ahrweiler(Home), Germany - 29th October 2011
By: Carina
Posted Oct 29, 2011, 10:50 am Last edited Nov 8, 2011, 1:43 pm by Carina
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Ahrweiler, home, Germany - 5th November 2011
By: Carina
Today I met an animal my first time. It was Lissy, my mum's cat.
Posted Nov 5, 2011, 1:07 pm Last edited Nov 5, 2011, 1:08 pm by Carina
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Ahrweiler, home, Germany - 9th December 2011
By: Carina
I am so excited, because at the end of this month I'll go on my first journey!

Posted Dec 9, 2011, 1:21 pm Last edited Apr 10, 2016, 9:12 am by Carina
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Ahrweiler, home, Germany - 30th December 2011
By: Carina
Yesterday my mum sent me to my first host. It is kassiopaya from Munich. I'm sooooo excited what I will see in the world.
Is there someone who read this travelog, who has a free place? My mum's brother's toy (Robby 105) is searching hosts. But he can't find some of them. You can write to him.His name is >handy< .
Here is a photo from the start of my tour. Yeah!
Posted Dec 31, 2011, 5:42 am Last edited Jan 1, 2012, 11:07 am by Carina
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Munich, Germany - 3rd January 2012
By: kassiopaya
Hi mummy,
now I'm at the home of my first host.
The envelope was very dark. Then there was a little bit of light and four eyes were looking at me.
First I was a little bit afraid. Then I came out of the envelope and met ErikaTheMouse and Baby_Pom_Fimble. They are very nice.
I think we will be good friends.
Greets from munich
Posted Jan 3, 2012, 6:19 pm
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Munich, Germany - 11th January 2012
By: kassiopaya
Hi Mummy,
today we were allowed to go to work with our host.
We had so much fun with the copier!
All the collegues were very amused .
Look at that funny pictures: 
Posted Jan 12, 2012, 10:30 am Last edited Jan 12, 2012, 10:32 am by kassiopaya
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Munich, Germany - 14th January 2012
By: kassiopaya
Today we had a big walk through munich.
It was very cold but it was very interesting.
First we saw the Bavarian Parliament. Then we went to a bridge over the "Isar", the river in munich.
Then we went to the Freedom-Angel. A big golden statue on a big column. That was amazing!
On the way we saw the Villa Stuck, a nice building. There is an art museum in it.
And we saw the "Käfer"-House. There you can buy all the things from Käfer. But's to expensive!
At the end we stood in front of the "Prinzregenten-Theater". There take place many fastivals, concerts and the "Bayerische Filmpreis".
Posted Jan 14, 2012, 6:31 pm
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Prinzersdorf, Austria - 19th January 2012
By: cestbon
I just arrived in Austria (eventually); they have soooooo much snow here it was a shock for me; therefore I need to recover now for a while.
My host promised me that we will go to Paris very soon; also I will join her to Vienna, St. Pölten, Melk and Salzburg but today she has to go on an outing with her students which I - unfortunately - can't attend. Anyways I prefer staying indoors today - next to the nice warm cockle stove.
Posted Jan 19, 2012, 8:52 am Last edited Jan 19, 2012, 8:58 am by cestbon
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St. Pölten, Austria - 20th January 2012
By: cestbon
Dear Mum
Yesterday was a very exciting day for me! My host had to go to Salzburg to attend a meeting - and I could join her. Unfortunately it was raining all day long; in the evening it started snowing a lot - so our train was 2 hours late; we arrived back home at 3 am!!!!
Attached you find some photos of me in St. Pölten; that's the capital city of Lower Austria which is famous for its baroque buildings.
Furthermore I visited the famous yellow castle of Melk; can you imagine it is also a school...
Salzburg is the native town of Mozart and offers its visitors the view of a big fortress. As you can see I even kissed Mozart .
Posted Jan 21, 2012, 1:24 pm
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Vienna, Austria - 24th January 2012
By: cestbon
Hello Mum
Today the three of us (Ulani, me and my host) went to Vienna and Baden.
We saw the most important monuments in Vienna (Stephansdom, Secession, Karlskirche, city hall, university, opera etc.); afterwards we had to run soooooo fast to catch the train to Baden. I have to admit the afternoon there was quite boring because we did not have to do anything except attending an English seminar...
As you might notice we took a picture of us infront of an interactive board; my host likes these boards, which can be found in underground stations, so much.
Baden is a city which is very close to Vienna and famous for good wine, a natural spa and the casino.
Posted Jan 24, 2012, 4:28 pm
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