Montréal, Canada - 15th July 2011
By: Cbac7809
Well .... I've been sitting on my mama's desk for way too long and I'm getting antsy! I'm ready to be released and take on the world!
Please take good care of me! 
Posted Jul 15, 2011, 3:34 pm
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Montréal, Canada - 15th July 2011
By: Cbac7809
OMG, OMG ... My mama just told me that i will be travelling to England in a few days ... Ohhh i'm so excited. Maybe i will meet the new duchess of Cambridge ... She is so pretty!!!
I'm ready, oh so ready to take on this journey. Mama i know you will be sad to see me off but i will always be thinking of you!
Gizalba here i come!!!
Posted Jul 16, 2011, 12:57 am
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Montreal, Canada - 18th July 2011
By: Cbac7809
That's it! My journey has begun. I'm on my way to England ... (oh please let me see Kate, please let me see Kate!!!)
I hope I will make it there safely and I won't get too shaken up during the trip!
Can't wait to see new places!
Posted Jul 18, 2011, 8:35 pm Last edited Jul 18, 2011, 10:52 pm by Cbac7809
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Warrington , England - 5th August 2011
By: Gizalba
We went to visit the town hall mum! Buzz and Edelweiss had already been so they showed Michel and I - to see town halls is one of Michel's life missions! There was a nice golden gate at the entrance and the hall had a UK flag on top.
Ooh, and the last pic is of the shelf where we sleep. It got invaded by Guatemalan Worry people! :O But it's okay because they will take all of our worries away when we sleep tonight They were a present from my host's friend who had been staying with us, and she asked what TVs had to worry about. Well, of course I worry about getting lost or eaten by other animals, but I am a very brave penguin to be travelling the world. My host says she likes the quotes below the TV logo on here, especially the quote 'if you love something, set it free' I feel loved because I have been given such a wonderful opportunity!
Posted Aug 5, 2011, 11:04 pm Last edited Aug 5, 2011, 11:37 pm by Gizalba
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Barnwood park in Gloucester, England - 9th August 2011
By: Gizalba
On monday afternoon we went for a stroll to the local park. We had to go through a church graveyard to get to it, which was nice and calm. Then we entered the park and for some reason it looked a bit like Autumn, with the leaves falling already! Some of the trees must be confused. There was a building hidden behind the trees which looked pretty. Then we found a mini nature reserve to investigate. There didn't seem to be much wildlife about... maybe they could sense the rain coming!
Posted Aug 14, 2011, 5:24 pm Last edited Aug 16, 2011, 10:55 pm by Gizalba
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Birchwood and Croft, England - 28th August 2011
By: Gizalba
On our walk back from the library where my host had been studying, we went along a bridge. There wasn't much else to see on the walk apart from the Free-range chicken farm near to my host's house. I don't think we were meant to be on the land so we zoomed in a bit.
The next photo is us inspecting the exciting looking sequin glitter glue Michel was using to make his mum's birthday banner - we helped too!
Posted Aug 28, 2011, 5:37 am Last edited Aug 28, 2011, 5:54 am by Gizalba
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Liverpool , England - 9th September 2011
By: Gizalba
Hi Mum!
Today my host took us to a nearby city called Liverpool. We visited her favourite shop which is known as 'Quiggins'; it is full of gothic/retro/vintage/alternative clothing and objects. Sorry the indoor pictures are blurry; it is rather dimly lit and we suspected a flash may not be allowed!
The next pictures are of Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral, just up the hill from Quiggins. We waited for a group of tourists to move so we could get a group shot undisturbed From the other side of the cathedral we zoomed and could just about view the top the Liver Building, which has two liver bird statues on top. This building is situated next to the Docks and River Mersey. We will hopefully go to see that side of Liverpool another day.
Posted Sep 16, 2011, 9:13 pm
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Cheadle and Winwick, England - 12th October 2011
By: Gizalba
The first pic below is of a nice island-type thing with ducks and geese and swans on, in the middle of a business park at sunset. Usually business parks are horrible to look at, but we thought using the water to attract natural wildlife was a good planning idea. This was in Cheadle, Manchester.
The second pictures are of a church in the next village along from my host's home village. It was the end of a lovely hot day which felt like summer. The weather was quite strange for the beginning of October, but we weren't complaining.
Sorry there aren't many pictures as on one day the camera battery died, and on the other we were in a rush, but I hope you like the few we did take.
Love Pengy.
Posted Oct 14, 2011, 9:40 pm
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