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Have 5 different foreign beers

Meet 5 native animals

Learn the word "Zebra" in 5 languages

Eat 5 different foreign candies

Wear 5 different foreign clothes

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Travelog for: Zag

At home, Holland - 6th June 2011

By: Paulette088

Hello there!

My name is Zag. I am a nice striped zebra from Holland. I would love to visit te world and I hope to meet a lot of people. I am very small, I fit in your hand.

My mum and dad helped me escape from the zoo. They travelled around the world before I was born and before they were caught for the zoo. They kept dreaming that one day their son (me!) was able to be free and  able to travel as much as they did.

And now here I am! Ready for some great adventures! Unfortunatey my mum and dad are too old for travelling now. Honestly I am a little bit scared to travel all on my own, I've never been so far away from my parents..

I hope I will meet some nice hosts, who will cuddle me when I'm a little bit homesick.. Will you be the next? I have some missions, but if you can't complete one of them it's no problem. I would still be very happy to travel with you!

Zebra klein.jpg

* Posted Jun 6, 2011, 12:25 pm Last edited Jun 6, 2011, 12:30 pm by Paulette088 [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Somewhere in the wild, ? - 14th June 2011

By: Paulette088

Hello everyone!

Right now I am on my way to Slovenia! I am going to meet Tina, who offered to host me to show me her country  :D

I am very excited, this is my first trip and my first host and I am really looking forward to all great things I am going to do with Tina. I hope I will arrive safely!

I will keep you all updated!




* Posted Jun 17, 2011, 12:08 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Ljubljana, Slovenia - 21st June 2011

By: ejsi_disi


Here's Zag. I arrived safely to Slovenia. Currently, I'm with Tina and I'm a little exhausted from my long trip from Holland to Slovenia. I like it here!  ;)

I arrived early in the morning and Tina was very happy to see me at last. She greeted me very warmly, so I can see we will have a great time together. She promised to take me to the beach and to her university. I'm a very lucky zebra!  :p

Today I helped her with lunch. We prepared traditional Balkan dishes: Pašta i fažol and Kljukuša. It's sooo delicious! I ate it all.  B)

Now we have to learn a little for the next exam. I'm helping Tina with learning Japanese kanji. It's not that easy at all, you know?  :stare: But it's very interesting.

See you soon,


* Posted Jun 21, 2011, 3:46 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Ljubljana, Slovenia - 6th July 2011

By: ejsi_disi

Hello again.

It's been a while since you heard from me, but don't worry. I just don't have time to write because I'm having such a great time with Tina in Slovenia.

Slovenia is beautiful! I have seen the Adriatic Sea and Slovenian coast. It's short, but very nice. People are kind and relaxed. It's summer here and it's so hot. The sun shines like crazy!  :)

Yesterday there was this storm. I was very scared of the thunder, but everything was OK in the end. It wasn't very pleasant, though. But the sun shines again today and I'm feeling better.

Guess what? Tina allow me to take a sip of Slovenian beer! She didn't allow me to drink the whole bottle, I could just taste it. And it's delicious! :)

I also met some friends. Yesterday I met Popje, the travelling toy from Netherlands, as well. I haven't seen her before, so we have a lot of to talk about. She's great. You can see her on the photo. :)

Greetings from Slovenia,
Zag and Tina


* Posted Jul 6, 2011, 8:41 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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