Sacramento, California, USA - 15th February 2011
By: kcrawfish
Hi everyone!
I already have an invitation to my first host. I'm so excited to go from Goodwill charity shop to ... the world!!
Posted Feb 15, 2011, 12:58 pm Last edited Feb 15, 2011, 12:59 pm by kcrawfish
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Sacramento, California, USA - 19th February 2011
By: kcrawfish
Mommy let us play on the copy machine today! (She got the idea from another TV host. ) Can you see my sparkly feet? I really love Bally, Sierra, Hypno-dog and HolgiHH.
Posted Feb 22, 2011, 3:15 am Last edited Feb 22, 2011, 3:46 am by kcrawfish
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Sacramento, California, USA - 22nd February 2011
By: kcrawfish
Hi everyone!
We said goodbye to Bally and Aslan today, and, well, everyone said bye to me, too. I had nice romp with Aslan and Peach the pooch, my birthdate buddies. I'm going to beautiful, snowy Finland. I think I'll blend right in. I asked Mom if we could give my new host a special candy bar, but I am the lucky one ... I am already the winner of a trip around the world!!!
You'll see my sparkles soon!
Posted Feb 22, 2011, 9:15 pm
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Helsinki, Finland - 1st March 2011
By: Huppu68
Hi Mommy,
I just arrived at my new host's place in Helsinki, Finland My flight went well and I'm OK, a bit tired and hungry though. Now I'll get something to eat and after that I'll go to the city with my new friends. Photos later...
Yours, Gwennie <3
Posted Mar 1, 2011, 10:33 am
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Helsinki, Finland - 2nd March 2011
By: kcrawfish
plotting the map 
Posted Mar 19, 2011, 10:59 am Last edited Mar 19, 2011, 11:06 am by kcrawfish
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Helsinki, Finland - 5th March 2011
By: Huppu68
Hi Mom,
I've had so much fun here in Helsinki. I've met some TVs and other toys and I think they are already my good friends. Here's still snow, but it's melting soon, because it has been quite warm (from -4 to +3) and sunny here lately. I'm glad I had a chance too see snow and feel it too
Kerttu, Bernd the Bread Manu the Rubber Duck and Blinchick were there waiting for me when I came out of the envelope. Art first I was a bit shy, but soon I noticed they all were really nice and kind so I started to chat with them. I also gave them the chocolate bar and the postcard and they were happy to see some real Willy Wonka Chocolate - they had seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie last week (Pictures 1-3) I also met my host's cat called Lauri. He was really interested in me and when he licked my face I knew he had approved me. (Pictures 4 and 5) Now I have taken even a nap with him, he's nice and warm. Crizle the Unicorn welcomed me to Finland too and she was pleased to meet another unicorn - and so was I. (Picture 6)
I ate some delicious soup and took a nap after my lounch. My host said it would be a good idea to sleep for some time, because we'd go to the city later and she was right - I felt myself quite tired after my long flight. (Picture 7) I went to the city with my host - the others stayed at home. We went there by a tram and my host told me that it is the fastest way to travel in the city. There is a tram stop right at her front door and it takes only about 10-15 minutes from her place to the city. Here you can see me in a tram. (Pictures 8-10) This tram was an old one and they also have quite modern ones here in Helsinki, but my host said that she likes the old ones more - they seem to have more personality than the new trams. We bought a big latte and took it with us. (Picture 11) I think the Finnish coffee is strong and tasty - I liked it very much. I got a nice sightseeing while we we sat in a tram, but my host promised me we would go to the city quite often and I'd got to see all the sights better later. This time the trams and the latte were more than enough for me as my first adventure here in Helsinki - and of course snow too. I got to see snow and walk on snow too - it was great (Pictures 12-14) Here you can see the building I live now - we live on the 8th floor (Picture 15) and here you can see me on the balcony. (Picture 16)
The day after I arrived here another TV came here too. His name is Mister Snow and he is from Germany. Btw, Bernd is from Germany too and Blinchick is from Russia. We went to a nice café for a latte and ice cream - my host said it was a welcoming party for me and Mister Snow. I loved the chocolate ice cream and the latte was good too. (Pictures 17-19) We sat at the café for a long time talking and it was awesome to hear more about the other TVs and their adventures. They have travelled a lot and Blinchick came here from Chile - can you believe that Mom? Do you think I could travel there too someday?
On Thursday we all travelled by a bus to a huge shopping center. There were lots of people so we stayed in Kirsi's bag so we wouldn't get lost. We went to the ticket service and there was a beautiful red coach, we rested there for a while; the lady of the ticket service was having a lounch break. (Picture 20) My host bought tickets to a concert for her and her boyfriend. We came back home by a bus and this time it was almost empty so we took some photos in there. (Picture 21) At home I played with my friends. Kerttu likes to think I'm a horse, but I don't mind that - she is still a kid. (Picture 22)
Yesterday my host worked as an assistant/extra at a shooting for Police TV. I was in her bag with my new friends and we heard everything what was happening. It was really interesting and I'm glad I got to stay in the bag, because later my host told us it was really cold out there and she was freezing after the shooting. At home we ate and took a nap and later in the evening we went to the concert. Unfortunately it was not allowed to take any pictures there, but we enjoyed the concert and it was interesting to hear live Finnish music.
OK, now it's already past my bedtime so I'll go to bed.
Hugs, Gwennie
Posted Mar 5, 2011, 9:59 pm Last edited Mar 5, 2011, 10:05 pm by Huppu68
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Helsinki, Finland - 30th May 2011
By: Huppu68
Hi Mom,
Yes, I'm fine and still here in Helsinki. My host had had some huge problems with her computer (and she still does) and her health so we haven't been able to update my travelog in a long time.
Hmmmmm, so much has happenend since I last wrote here. Maybe I should let all the photos speak for themselves. Well, short explaining at first. Many TVs has left and many has arrived. I've got some great new friends and I'd like to believe I can meet them again someday somewhere... I've travelled a lot here by busses and trams with my host and with other TVs. I've met Moomins and and seen the Lutheran Cathedral of Helsinki. I also saw the most important building of Helsinki - the Main Post Office. My host is addicted to Postcrossing and postcards so that might have something to do with the most important building I think I've been in many postcrossing meetings and written lots of postcards. I've had fun and I've learned to like Finnish coffee, especially latte. And of course I've seen snow here, lots and lots of snow
OK, now I'll show "some" photos to you dear Mom 
Posted May 30, 2011, 9:40 pm Last edited May 30, 2011, 9:42 pm by Huppu68
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Helsinki, Finland - 1st June 2011
By: Huppu68
Hi again Mom,
We had a great Easter here. We were hunting eggs and we found lots of chocolate eggs. (Picture 1-4) Finnish chocolate is really delicious
A week from Easter it was the MayDay, the First of May or Vappu as they call it here in Finland. It's a big celebration for students and most of the people. It's almost like a Finnish carneval. We had a peaceful Vappu at home. We ate some doughnuts and had balloons. It was a nice day and it also means that now spring is here. (Picture 5)
In the sunny days we like to sit out in the balcony and have some latte or ice latte. It's just nice to sunbathe sitting in a chair with friends (Pictures 6 and 7)
We have also watched some movies when it has been rainy or too cold to go out. We always had pop corn too (Picture 8) Finnish ice cream is very tasty and we've eaten that together many times when we've celebrated something. (Pictures 9-11)
Posted Jun 1, 2011, 9:45 pm
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Helsinki, Finland - 1st June 2011
By: Huppu68
Earlier one of my life missions was to visit in an European grocery store and I'm in Europe now so of course I visit in many of them. Here are some pictures of our nearest crosery store. Btw, smoked salmon is very good here 
Posted Jun 1, 2011, 9:57 pm
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Helsinki, Finland - 1st June 2011
By: Huppu68
Well, it's the beginning of June and summer is almost here. I think it's time for me to travel again, I need to see new places and meet new people. I know I'll miss my Finnish friends, but new adventures are waiting for me. Today we went to a park and I saw some blossoming appletrees - they smelled wonderful. (Pictures 1 and 2) We sat there on a bench and enjoyed the beautiful and warm day. (Picture 3) Then we went to a small café to have a latte and say goodbyes - it was time for me to go. A few tears, big hugs, nice words and then I jumped into an envelope. (Pictures 4 and 5) My host took me to post office and I'm on my way to the United Kingdom now. I'm excited - and a bit sad too, but that goes by when I'll arrive to my new host's place.
Thank you Helsinki! Thank you Kirsi, my host! Thank you my sweet friends!
Kisses and hugs, I miss you Mom! -Gwennie
Posted Jun 1, 2011, 10:10 pm
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Caernarfon, Wales - 5th June 2011
By: miapearl
Hello? Anyone there? I have been lying in this envelope for ages... Help! zzzzz!
What is that noise? Is that a key I hear? It is it is!....
Finally, I get out of my envelope! My host thinks I arrived yesterday through the letterbox, today is Sunday and there is no post on a Sunday.
Anyway, I am here...
Posted Jun 5, 2011, 10:03 pm Last edited Jun 20, 2011, 11:35 am by miapearl
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