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See the Grand Canyon.

Be on a beach at sunset.

See the Statue of Liberty.

Go to Disney Land.

Spend a night in a tent, maybe even catch a fish!

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Travelog for: Sierra

Phillipsburg, Kansas, United States - 6th February 2011

By: blockstar

Today, I have been invited to stay in California! I am really excited to start my adventures!!  I am busy getting a package ready for my host! I know California will be beautiful, finally I will get a break from the snow here in Kansas!

sunny 1.JPG

* Posted Feb 6, 2011, 5:14 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Phillipsburg, Kansas, USA - 7th February 2011

By: kcrawfish

updating map  :)

* Posted Apr 2, 2011, 2:53 pm Last edited Apr 2, 2011, 2:54 pm by kcrawfish [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Sacramento, California, USA - 14th February 2011

By: kcrawfish

Hi everyone back home!
I'm here! 


* Posted Feb 15, 2011, 1:07 pm Last edited Feb 15, 2011, 6:19 pm by kcrawfish [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Sacramento, California, USA - 19th February 2011

By: kcrawfish

Hi Mommy!  Hello brothers!

Miss Kate let us play on the copy machine today!  B)  Here I am with my new friends, Bally, Gwennie, Hypno-dog and HolgiHH.




* Posted Feb 22, 2011, 3:21 am Last edited Feb 22, 2011, 3:23 am by kcrawfish [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

La Puente, California, USA - 24th February 2011

By: kcrawfish

Hi Mom and Bros!

Peach the Pooch and I had a fine flight -- a little squeezed but okay -- and were unpacked in a lovely hotel.  It was great to see HolgiHH and Hypno-dog and hear their tales of being on the people part of the plane.  It was a tiring trip, though, so we got into bed while Miss Kate went to her conference.  After our nap, we explored around and watched TV and looked out the sliding glass door, but no one was here to take a picture.

Hope you guys are having fun in Kansas!  It might snow here in Los Angeles!  :o



* Posted Mar 3, 2011, 4:43 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

La Puente, California, USA - 25th February 2011

By: kcrawfish

Hi everyone!

Well, I'm sad to say that Miss Kate had to work this weekend, so no trips to Disneyland, sunset beaches or the circus.  But we had some fun in the hotel room.  Now there was a shelf that was perfect for toyvoyagers:

Getting up on the shelf was pretty easy.

But staying on the shelf was pretty hard!

Finally, I could stay on the shelf with a little help from Peach.

I really appreciated the help, but I was glad just to sit on the desk after all that hanging upside down!

Bye for now!

* Posted Mar 4, 2011, 3:19 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Ontario, California, USA - 26th February 2011

By: kcrawfish

Hi Mom and brothers!

We hoped it would snow at our hotel so that we could make snowcats on the balcony.  Well, *I* wanted to make snowcats.  :rolleyes:  But instead we got to see a little snow in the Angeles National Forest, just a few minutes north of the Ontario Airport.  With the pollution all blown and washed away and the pretty snow, it makes Southern California look quite nice.  But Miss Kate says usually it's smoggy, so don't leave Kansas yet!  ;)

It was a smooth, safe flight back to Sacramento.  Don't worry about me! 



* Posted Mar 4, 2011, 10:29 pm Last edited Mar 5, 2011, 3:38 pm by kcrawfish [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Sacramento, California, USA - 3rd March 2011

By: kcrawfish

Miss Kate was taking 2 pit bulls, one mutt and one pomeranian named Timmy for a walk in Capitol Park and she invited me and HolgiHH because, unlike Hypno-dog, we haven't seen the Capitol building.

The park is full of trees from around the world -- with name tags.  Just like we TVs are from around the world.  But these trees don't go in pockets and suitcases and travelopes.  They just sway in the breeze and look nice and let squirrels run up and down them, especially to get pit bulls excited.  Run, squirrel, run!  :o  ;)

So here's one cool plant.  Do you know what it is?
(Ooops the answer is right there on the name tag ... bamboo!  But, kids, do you know where bamboo comes from?)

Here's another pretty tree in my colors, pink and white.  Can you see the Capitol building through the branches?  I'm excited!

This is an upclose picture.  This is a saucer magnolia tree and makes us want to drink mint juleps:
Do you think I look nice in that tree?  I could do some good hunting all camouflaged in that tree.  I await my prey.  Ah, what is that ...  a pomerainian?  He looks delicious!  haha Just kidding!  Don't worry, Timmy the dog.  Cat food and candy are fine with me!

And here this is especially for my mother and brothers, titled Sierra in SacramentoB) 


* Posted Mar 5, 2011, 3:24 pm Last edited Mar 8, 2011, 12:09 am by kcrawfish [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Sacramento, California, USA - 7th March 2011

By: kcrawfish

Miss Kate's friend found this article in the local newspaper just 2 days after we visited the Saucer Magnolia's in Capitol Park!  Who knew the very tree I sat in was famous!

* Posted Mar 7, 2011, 3:41 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Sacramento, California, USA - 7th March 2011

By: kcrawfish

Clyde left today to start galloping along the ETVT.  He loves trails!  We all watched him get in his travelope with his horse-related gifts for his first host.  We'll miss him, but we're so looking forward to reading his updates from Europe!



* Posted Mar 8, 2011, 12:07 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Sacramento, California, USA - 17th March 2011

By: kcrawfish

Hi mom and bros!

Not much going on here.  It's been rainy, so we helped to make vegetable broth.  Miss Kate taught us a song while HolgiHH, Hypno-dog and I were dicing and stirring and cooking ... "beautiful soup, soup of the evening, beautiful soup."  You can listen to it here

We made a lot of jars of soup, but here's me with my 3 favorite jars.  ;)


........... beautiful soup so rich and green waiting in a hot tureen .............


* Posted Mar 18, 2011, 6:00 am Last edited Mar 18, 2011, 6:01 am by kcrawfish [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Sacramento, California, USA - 22nd March 2011

By: kcrawfish

Hi there!

Look what we found!  A box!  What ... or who ... could be inside?  :)

HolgiHH was excited and tried to cut it open, but he's so small he couldn't get, well, traction ...  So Peach did it. 

We saw two little beautiful black eyes peering out ... hmmm ... is that a mouse in the house?  :o :)

HolgiHH stepped forward to meet the little mouse.  Her name is DuDette

We all met her, and she told us about the lovely foggy pastel hills of San Francisco.  She told us about Cheerio and got us caught up on the adventures of Aslan

Niblet the monster-sized kitty was interested in meeting DuDette ... or eating DuDette?  :o  No, no, we're here to keep her safe.  :)

After a lot of gabbing, Holgi and DD decided to spend the evening alone on a shelf. 

Bye everyone!


* Posted Mar 26, 2011, 6:02 am Last edited Mar 26, 2011, 6:14 am by kcrawfish [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

on the road to the coast, USA - 27th March 2011

By: kcrawfish

Hi Mom and brothers!

We are on the coast!  Surprise!  It all happened so fast!  Here are my photographs of the trip out here.  We piled into the car and arranged ourselves on the dash.  We left Sacramento heading toward San Francisco, but we went well north of SF to the Mendocino Coast. 

Here you can see what a stormy day it was. 

This is our exit on Highway 101.  We’ll be heading west again.

We saw wet hills with lots of rock slides.

Here we saw some pretty redwood trees.   

We arrived at the Russian River!  Here we are crossing the Hacienda Bridge and now we’ll make a left and follow the river to the ocean.

Can you see me on the dash?  We stopped for gasoline in Guerneville.  Miss Kate found some nice postcards there of the Russian River and of the bridge.  HolgiHH called dibs on the bridge postcard.

We’re done heading West and will go North on Highway 1.  In just a few minutes we got our first glimpse of the ocean!

Here’s where the Russian River flows into the Pacific Ocean. 

There were dozens of trees that had recently fallen across the road.  I couldn’t count how many!

We drove by Fort Ross.  Here you can see the tops of the redwood buildings there.  Miss Kate told us that back in 1812 about 40 Russians with 150 Alaskans came ashore and created Fort Ross in a month.  Russians had been eye-ing Northern California for a long time, but Spain had claimed it.  However, Spain hadn’t moved above the middle of California, where San Francisco is today.  The Russians built Fort Ross so fast and had guns and supplies so that when the Spanish found out, it was too late.  The Russians were moved in!  Oh, and the Russians weren’t the first in this area – they bought the land from the local Native Americans for 3 blankets, 3 pairs of pants, 2 axes, 3 hoes and some beads.  (After seeing all of those fallen trees, they should’ve asked for more axes!)  Hypno-dog was very proud, and he knew that Ross wasn’t some British name, but was short for Rossiya.  The Russians left around 1840 – no war or anything, they just thought there were better deals up north – and they left these buildings, but more than that they left a little bit of Russian with the Native Americans in their language.  For example, the Gualala Indians called milk, moloko, long after the Russians were gone.  Those tribes have blended into the population, so their languages are gone.  We can learn about them only from reading what one or two white men wrote down a hundred years ago.  Now hundreds of acres of land are preserved to keep Fort Ross like it was 200 years ago.

Well, that was one tiring day, but it was fun to see everything. 

I'm hoping, hoping I'll get to go to the beach!!  At sunset!!


* Posted Mar 29, 2011, 5:20 pm Last edited Mar 29, 2011, 6:07 pm by kcrawfish [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

The Sea Ranch, California, USA - 31st March 2011

By: kcrawfish

Hi everyone! 

We had so much fun playing inside and out.  Unfortunately, I was not on the beach at sunset -- it was so windy that day and we were ready to go back inside -- but I hope you like my beach picture anyway.  And the photograph of all of us posing like models on a rock.  Also, we enjoyed whale-watching and posing in various places.  Crawfish is our new buddy.  He's happy and red.  We all had fun ... DuDette, Crawfish, HolgiHH, Hypno-dog and me. 

Love you all!


In TSR Bedroom Sill.JPG

* Posted Apr 2, 2011, 2:24 pm Last edited Apr 2, 2011, 2:56 pm by kcrawfish [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Sacramento, California, USA - 4th April 2011

By: kcrawfish

Hello everyone!

It's time for me to say goodbye to all my TV buddies in California, Zoe, Hypno-dog, DuDette, Crawfish, Peach the Pooch, HolgiHH, to the big toys and to Miss Kate.  DuDette and I had a little chat about self-defense against cats, now that Hypno-dog and I aren't here to protect her. 

I am looking forward to great adventures and many more beaches ahead! 

Love and hugs to Mom and my brothers,



* Posted Apr 6, 2011, 1:26 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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