Kellinghusen, Germany - 6th August 2010
By: babyamy
I'm the little Zipfelchen, the little sister of Katrin's wild TVs dideldum, dideldei, Lane, Lene and Line. When they started their journey in May 2010 I was too young to leave home.
But since I haven't heard anything from them I have have decided to start my own journey around the world.
My first host is a big fan of my siblings and is really looking forward to meet me. That's why I will crawl into my envelope now and travel to her as soon as possible.
Posted Aug 6, 2010, 1:36 pm
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Bruchsal, Germany - 10th August 2010
By: fam-united
Hi Mum,
I just arrived at fam-united's home. I made her smile at once She seems to really love me. Also her daughter said: "Cool!" when she saw me and smiled. I'm sure, I will have a great time. Today we have to bake two cakes and maybe do some ironing, too. It's nice weather, so I hope to get the chance for some outside photos, too.
I will go and talk with her other toyvoyager guests now.
Take care
Posted Aug 10, 2010, 9:21 am
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Walhalla, Donaustauf, Germany - 12th August 2010
By: fam-united
The Walhalla is a hall of fame that honors laudable and distinguished Germans, famous personalities in German history — politicians, sovereigns, scientists and artists of the German tongue. The hall is housed in a neo-classical building above the Danube River, east of Regensburg, in Bavaria, Germany.
The Walhalla was conceived in 1807 by Crown Prince Ludwig, who built it upon ascending the throne of Bavaria as King Ludwig I. Construction took place between 1830 and 1842, under the supervision of architect Leo von Klenze.
The Walhalla displays some 65 plaques and 130 busts of persons, covering 2,000 years of history — the earliest person honored is Arminius, victor at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (9 CE). (wikipedia)
We took a photo of the Walhalla from the far too, wanted to get the whole building on it. We tried to get a closer view, but haven't been really successful.

Posted Aug 31, 2010, 8:20 am
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Engelsdorf, Rattenberg, Germany - 13th August 2010
By: fam-united
Back in the hotel again we took a look at the things we bought. If you see this here, you could think, that our hosts are a lot into alcohol, but they told us, that it is a famous region for theses Schnaps and liquor and also for beer, which we bought on our way back to the hotel.

Posted Sep 1, 2010, 9:27 am
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Großer Arber, Germany - 15th August 2010
By: fam-united
Our real destination was to go on top of the Großer Arber - great Arber. Großer Arber (German for Great Arber, Czech: Velký Javor) is the highest peak of the Bavarian-Bohemian-mountain ridge, with an elevation of 1,456 metres (4,777 ft). Although geographically belonging to the Bohemian Forest, it is often referred to as "King of the Bavarian Forest". Just enjoy the views
View to one of the Felsriegel - rock outcrops.
Sitting on one of the rock outcrops enjoying the view
We also tried to climb a bit. So you see, who fell down a bit? Brinda had a little accident, but she wasn't hurt, thank God.
She climbed up again and sat down next to us.
Then we all climbed down again and went on the way, which you see here, to go to the next rock outcrop.
Here we had been able to see the Kleine Arbersee - little Arber lake.
In the early afternoon we drove down again, because we wanted to walk around the Große Arbersee - big Arber lake.

Posted Sep 4, 2010, 9:27 pm
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