Athabasca, Canada - 17th July 2010
By: maelduin_wyndsong
I, Honesty, announce that I am beginning my dreams travel the world! I have yet to find a host, but before I leave I would like to tell everyone about my home. There are yellow snapdragons, purple fireweed, and pink wild roses. Also, on a regular basis, I enjoy the wild strawberries and saskatoons particular to our region. Though I love all the foliage of my home (and the deer and moose I have for friends!) sometimes that wanderlust just becomes overwhelming!
I'm a bit of a hippy, you could say, and I was born on Valentine's day!
Finally, what sparked my journey, was watching 'The Aristocats' for the 100th time and asking myself "Why can't I be like Thomas O'Mally?" (
He travels everywhere!
They're GRRRRREAT. (Way better than frosted flakes :P)
Posted Jul 17, 2010, 5:14 pm
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Remscheid, Germany - 28th August 2010
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
I arrived in Remscheid today. My first host Katja showed me the outside of my package, there is a sticker from the custums on it, it seemed I was stuck there for a while.
They have horrible weather here - ugh!
Katja told me that it was raining for four days.
Posted Aug 31, 2010, 1:35 pm
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at home, Remscheid, Germany - 4th September 2010
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
I want to show you my new friends here. They are camilla, Bussi, Tochi, Klaus and Squirt, Bussi and camilla will leave today, Bussi prepared a farewell-meal for us: neon-coloured glowworms. I don't know if I like glowworms. Let's try them
They are great!
Katja told me that I wouldl like her pets, I'm curious what kind of pets they are. I can see litter boxes, a scratchen post and a scratching ton in the apartement. Maybe cats? I'll find out!
Posted Sep 5, 2010, 9:58 pm
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Leichlingen - Solingen, Germany - 5th September 2010
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
we took a really long hiking tour along the River Wupper today. We went to Leichlingen, a small town, by train.
From here we followed the River Wupper for about 17 - 20 km.
River Wupper is flowing through the city centre of Leichlingen.
This is a typical house of this region. Old houses are often covered with slate, you can also find lovely half-timbered houses.
We followed the river until we reached the historical grindery Wipperkotten. It was first mentioned in the documents in early 17th century, situated close to the River Wupper. It burned down and was rebuilt several times, survived even both World Wars. It was supposed to be dismantled in 1955, but it was saved, restored and is unter monument protection now. Today they were celebrating their annual "Schleiferfest".
Here you can see the old grindery buildings with the double-waterwheel.
The waterwheels were running, driving the machines inside.
Here you can see one of the historical workplaces.
Outside again ...
We continued walking towards to Solingen. River Wupper is damed by a weir here.
We walked through a lovely hamlet than, it is called "Rueden", which is the German word for a male dog.
We walked along lovely flowers.
Do you know Himalayan Balsam?
When we had to cross a road we saw this lovely vintage car.
We walked through another hamlet, Balkhausen.
In Balkhausen there is another historical grindery. a museum is situated here.
We walked until we reached Solingen-Unterburg. High above this district you can find the medieval castle "Schloss Burg", built in early 13th century. I hope I will vist this castle some time, Katja promised to take me there if possible. You can see the castle in the background of the next photo and a zoomed photo.
A chair-lift is leading uphill to the castle.
We took a last group photograph in Unterburg.
This was a fantastic trip, but my feet are hurting now (not only my feet, I suppose )
Posted Sep 5, 2010, 9:34 pm
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leaving, Germany - 28th October 2010
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
it was time to say good-bye to Katja, my friends and the ferrets.
After feeding the ferrets I packed my things and set out for Canada. I hope my journey home won't last too long.
Posted Oct 30, 2010, 8:31 pm Last edited Nov 24, 2010, 9:07 pm by olgamaus
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