Mechterstädt, Germany - 18th October 2010
By: iloveletters
Dear Mommy!
I arrived at the second host in Germany.
Because the host was on holidays last week together with Red Navel I had to wait in the dark envelope on her doorstep
Well, I was released from my travel box yesterday and now I am looking forward to some nice weeks here in Thuringia - the green heart of Germany.
See you!
Posted Oct 18, 2010, 4:50 pm
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Mechterstädt, Germany - 31st October 2010
By: iloveletters
Ah, well, weather here is brilliant, a nice autumn day so we spent some time this morning in the garden to continue building the garden shed.
Now it is soon time for lunch. I have already helped preparing it.
The other day I said Goodbye to Red Navel as he is travelling on.
So I am alone here now. But not for long, there is a new TV arriving soon: Owen.
I am looking forward to his visit.
See you!
Posted Oct 31, 2010, 11:07 am Last edited Oct 31, 2010, 11:08 am by iloveletters
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Mechterstädt, Germany - 5th November 2010
By: iloveletters
Today a new TV arrived: Owen.
I said a hello to him and then we had a look in his travel journal.

Posted Nov 5, 2010, 2:02 pm
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Mechterstädt, Germany - 9th November 2010
By: iloveletters
Well, days here are not too exciting because my host has to work and then when she returns home at 4:30 pm it is already getting dark outside.
So we spend a lot of time inside and enjoy our time with postcrossing or swap-bot.
Today we received these wonderful christmas calendar packages from a swapper at swap-bot:
And today we also had this Finnish chocolate in the mail from a penfriend:
And we wrote a lot of cards to postcrossers all over the world:
See you!
Posted Nov 9, 2010, 9:03 pm Last edited Nov 9, 2010, 9:05 pm by iloveletters
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Oberhof, Germany - 4th December 2010
By: iloveletters
Dear mommy,
It has been snowing for the last week. We went to Oberhof, THE ski resort in Thuriniga, to take a walk in the snow.
Here are some pictures of our care drive to Oberhof through the snowy forest. Owen came with us too.
Posted Dec 11, 2010, 4:20 pm Last edited Dec 11, 2010, 4:24 pm by iloveletters
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Mechterstädt, Germany - 11th December 2010
By: iloveletters
We went to a Christmas party yesterday.
So we packed the presents first.
It is a surprise party, so the other's won't know who gave them their present!
We had a lovely meal at the restaurant: roast vension
Posted Dec 11, 2010, 4:22 pm
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Gotha, Orangerie, Germany - 12th December 2010
By: iloveletters
Today my host had to sing at a Christmas market in Gotha, so I went along.
We first practiced in a building nearby where they keep the plants from the cold. It was funny to sing Christmas songs between orange and palm trees

Posted Dec 13, 2010, 2:32 pm
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Mechterstädt, Germany - 13th December 2010
By: iloveletters
Dear mommy,
I am on my way to Russia. I will write when I arrived!

Posted Dec 13, 2010, 2:34 pm
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Moscow , Russia - 24th January 2011
By: kristl
Hi mommy, I'm happy to tell you that I've finally arrived to Moscow. Many thanks to my previous host - she gave me a very comfortable envelope so it was not so difficult to travel that long. Right now I'm in Kristl's car going home from the post office. It is 7:30pm here, cold, snowy and very dark. I've already got 2 photos of me but since we have no laptop here, only iPhone, I'll be able to show them as soon as find a way to do this))) kristl also asked me to thak my previous host for the lovely card she got.
Update! Here am I heading to my host's home:
Untitled by Kristl Fleed, on Flickr
Peachy chai's first day in Moscow by Kristl Fleed, on Flickr
Posted Jan 24, 2011, 4:25 pm Last edited Jan 31, 2011, 7:49 am by kristl
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Moscow, Russia - 25th January 2011
By: kristl
I was happy to learn that Kristl makes some tea in her tumbler every morning to take with her and drink on the way to her office. Sure I helped her with it!
Untitled by Kristl Fleed, on Flickr
Having our tea we went to Kristl's office. The road came throught the forest and it was beautiful.
Untitled by Kristl Fleed, on Flickr
Btw I learned that many of the government live somewhere on this road. My host says it is bad cause they allways stop all the traffic when the President or the Premier Minister needs to drive somewhere.
Posted Jan 31, 2011, 7:55 am
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