@ home Manly, Brisbane, Australia - 26th June 2010
By: emo_kid
Mum thought she should upload a photo of me... So here i am with Miss Buttercup...
Im so excited, Im going to Vegas soon with Xadrian Can't wait 
Posted Jun 29, 2010, 2:04 am
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Milton, Australia - 20th July 2010
By: emo_kid
Mum stuffed me in an envelope today and said im going to stay with someone nice and see things she's never seen... Im very excited... She said im going to San Diego and then to Las Vegas... I cant wait... *so excited* Not so excited about the whole being stuffed in an envelope thing... See you soon mum xox
Posted Jul 29, 2010, 7:27 am
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San Diego CA, United States - 28th July 2010
By: Xadrian
Hi Mom!
I made it safely to San Diego California! My trip wasn't too long but it sure got boring sitting in an envelope for a week! I was so happy when I finally arrived in my host's mailbox.
The other toyvoyagers staying with my host were told that a new friend was arriving soon, but they weren't sure what to expect.
When my package was opened up, I was introduced to all of the other toys. I met Bart, a black bear from North Carolina, NiliHH a hippo from Germany and Rosario, a dragon from San Diego who hopes to go toyvoyaging soon!
I gave my host the notebook just like you asked and she promises to add a few souvenirs from my trip from San Diego and Las Vegas 
Posted Aug 5, 2010, 3:40 pm Last edited Aug 15, 2010, 5:15 pm by Xadrian
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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States - 5th August 2010
By: Xadrian
Posted Aug 15, 2010, 7:31 am Last edited Aug 15, 2010, 7:34 am by Xadrian
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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States - 8th August 2010
By: Xadrian
Last night our host had a terrible spill in her high heels and was pretty banged up and bruised! We let her sleep in that morning and the other toyvoyagers and I amused ourselves with trying to figure out the purpose of this weird bucket in our hotel room.
Later we found out it’s to go and put ice in! After we explored other interesting things in the room, such as the blow dryer, safe, and dresser drawers we waited patiently for her to wake up.
Soon our host woke and after shuffling around getting ready we headed out to the Las Vegas strip to do some sight seeing.
We decided to go out the adjoining hotel called “Paris” which had several quaint bakeries and café’s inside.
Inside was also a restaurant at the top of a mock Eiffel tower!
Me outside of the MGM Grand hotel
What a huge lion!
This is the Luxor hotel, which is modeled like a giant pyramid and sphinx! It’s not the real pyramids in Eygpt, but at least I got to see a pyramid
Can you spot me?
The Harley Davidson Café! Vroom Vroom!
After walking around for a bit, my host started to get hungry. There were plenty of places to eat on the strip, but she doesn’t really care for fast food.
My host considered going into the M & M’s World, but thought better of it. Maybe candy wasn’t a good idea for lunch anyway…
After walking around awhile we found a nice Chinese resturaunt, P.F. Changs, however it was very crowded so we decided to just continue on and eat later at the hotel. We did manage to grab a quick picture by huge horse they had stationed outside of the eatery though
This is the New York, New York hotel. See the huge mock bridge? Maybe it is the Brooklyn bridge? My host is unsure.
Visitors can also ride a huge rollercoaster that wraps around the hotel for around $30.
Beautiful statues outside of the Monte Carlo Hotel and Casino
As there are many visitors in Las Vegas, the streets are always under construction with all the wear and tear from so much traffic!
Diablos Cantina, a bar and eatery along the strip. It’s a devil lady!
The hotel Excalibur, a castle hotel that is furnished very medieval inside and has nightly shows that involve jousting, knight role-play and eating renaissance type food with your hands!
This is just outside of the Bellagio, where all the rich people come to stay. Every fifteen minutes a fountain show is performed!
Any minute now... maybe if I sneak up to it, it will go off?
Here it comes! The pressurized air causing the water to shoot up into the sky is so loud!
After all that walking around, my host finally got some lunch and began packing her things to head back to San Diego early the next morning.
Posted Aug 15, 2010, 5:31 pm
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San Diego CA, United States - 4th September 2010
By: Xadrian
Today my host received a package from Russia. Of course we had to open it right away!
Why it’s Ragamuffin!
Hurray! Another friend to have adventures with!

Posted Sep 22, 2010, 4:23 am
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La Jolla, United States - 5th September 2010
By: Xadrian
Posted Sep 11, 2010, 5:19 pm Last edited Sep 11, 2010, 5:47 pm by Xadrian
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Rancho Penasquitos, United States - 19th September 2010
By: Xadrian
Posted Sep 22, 2010, 4:30 am Last edited Sep 22, 2010, 4:34 am by Xadrian
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