Wassenaar, The Netherlands - 19th March 2010
By: MorgenSter
Hello everyone!!!
I'm MorgenSter new TV, and my name is Vakinas. When my mommy laid eyes on me ( she was on a store looking for a toy for a wild release), she just had to get me and make me her brand new tv, her fourth.
i'm not the one who is going to be in the wild, though. That will be my brother, Bidu. Though, mommy started to get sad about it, fearing he can get lost... But I have faith he will find a very nice host
Anyone would like to host me ???
Tot strakjes 
Posted Mar 19, 2010, 9:21 pm
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Tilburg, The Netherlands - 18th April 2010
By: MorgenSter
Hello Everyone!!!
Oh... It was so amazing last weekend. We went to the Efteling here in The Netherlands!There was a very bad thing there though, our momey lost her bag with her credit card, cell phone and two toy voyagers inside... ( we think it was stolen because one moment it was right next to us , the next ... gone)So after that , she didn't want to take anymore pictures of me... ( it was while she was taking one, the first one that the bag went missing...)
Taken along with Vladimir before taking the bus and train to the Efteling.
Bye Bye
Posted Apr 18, 2010, 4:40 pm Last edited Nov 4, 2010, 7:17 pm by MorgenSter
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Remscheid, Germany - 26th August 2010
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
I arrived in Remscheid today. They have horrible weather here!
Posted Aug 31, 2010, 1:31 pm
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Remscheid, Germany - 31st August 2010
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
today it finally stopped raining. Katja went to the shopping mall in her lunch break to get something for lunch. She took me with her and showed me the water tower which is close to her workplace.
She then showed me the city hall, its tower is 48 m high.
In front of the city hall there is a place with a pillar on it, showing a lion, the heraldic animal of Remscheid.
That's all for today
Posted Aug 31, 2010, 3:00 pm
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Remscheid, Germany - 1st September 2010
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
I went to Katja's workplace today. You won't believe what happened - I got an invitation to travel to Oslo in Norway with Katja's colleague Elke.
We will go there by ferry and stay over night in Oslo. We will come back on Sunday. Photos will follow next week.
I am so happy happy happy .... !!!
Posted Sep 1, 2010, 6:12 pm
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Remscheid, Germany - 1st September 2010
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
I'm at Elke's home now and I'm going to catch up on my trip to Oslo.
Oslo is the capital city of Norway. We'll go there by bus and ship.
The journey's description sounds great. Let's see if dinner was also great. We had pancakes with bacon and salad.
For dinner I had another pancake, this time a sweet one with apple and a delicious berry sauce. Than it's time to go to bed - I'll have to get up at 03:00 am.
Posted Sep 9, 2010, 12:42 pm
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driving to Opladen, Germany - 2nd September 2010
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
our trip will start soon. We are on our way to Opladen, where we're going to meet Elkes sklittles club friends. We are already driving.
We are waitng for Elke's friends now. We are at the station in Opladen, at 4:45 am. In about half an hour our bus will be ready to go.
Posted Sep 13, 2010, 9:25 pm
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somewhere in, Germany - 2nd September 2010
By: olgamaus
After an excursion across several motorways (A3, A46, A43, A44, A45, A2, A1) to pick up more passengers to Oslo we had a breakfast break at Dammer Berge, a rest stop at a motorway. We carried the perfect breakfast with us: coffee, sparkling wine (?!), bread, pork sausage, cheese, rissoles, olives and tomatoes.
Our bus ...
I already told you that I am travelling with Elke and her skittles club, didn't I?
Our tour guide prepared some information about the following weekend for us. We will be in Hamburg around noon.
We reached Hamburg, here we are in the harbour area.
We took a short walk in the harbour area to strech our legs.
You can buy funny street signs as a souvenir here. Some of them are not exactly G-rated (but funny althoug )
In the background of the next photo you can maybe see the theater where famous musicals are performed, for example "Lion King" or "The Buddy Holly Story". It is the building with the yellow cupola.
Here you can see Rickmer Rickmers, a sailing ship (three masted bark) permanently moored as a museum ship in Hamburg. It is called "Green Lady", the "swimming landmark" of Hamburg. By the way, this ship is shown in the TV advertising spot for Beck's beer.
Skittling friends always seem to be hungy
We had "Pannfisch" for lunch, which means three sorts fillet of fish with fried potatoes, a mustard sauce and salad - a local delicay. Yummy!
Before we continued or jouney towards Kiel we went to St. Michaelis, called "Michel", is one of Hamburg's five main Protestant churches and the most famous church in the city. St. Michaelis is a landmark of the city.
Finally we reached Kiel in Northern Germany, situated at the Baltic sea, and went on board of the "Stena Line" with our bus. We went to our cabin and enjoyed the view out of the window.
Posted Sep 13, 2010, 9:57 pm
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on board, going to Sweden - 2nd September 2010
By: olgamaus
We were on our way to Sweden than. We enjoyed the sea air.
Here you can see us enjoying the Scandinavian buffet. First we tried crab meat, roe, salmon, anchovy and more. Really delicious, everything the heart desires!
Posted Sep 18, 2010, 2:04 pm
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Oslo, Norway - 3rd September 2010
By: olgamaus
We reached Oslo and checked in our hotel. Die outlook did not promise a quiet night. Squeaking trams were passing by and a traffic light had peeping signals.
Bye for today
Posted Sep 18, 2010, 2:31 pm
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Arhus, Denmark - 5th September 2010
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
the bus took us to Arhus in Denmark. There is still a lot to drive until we reach Germany.
Most people were sleeping in the bus, so I had to kill time.

Posted Sep 18, 2010, 8:53 pm
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Schleswig, Germany - 5th September 2010
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
we were back in Germany than, in Schleswig in Northern Germany.
We had our last picnic here in the motorway service area "Wikingerland".
Posted Sep 19, 2010, 8:30 pm
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Remscheid, Germany - 6th September 2010
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
it seemed as I was in a forest, but indeed I was back at Elke's home. I think those trees were already prepared christmas decoration.
I sayed "Thank you for this great weekend" to Elke and helped her to wash the used clothings.
Posted Sep 19, 2010, 8:37 pm
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