Wassenaar, The Netherlands - 24th February 2010
By: MorgenSter
Hello all of you!!!
How are you all doing lately? I'm the second TV to join the family, and if I can be honest I think my mami is a bit afraid of letting me go...
She says she is going to find a nice host for me, someone trustworthy, but she didn't start looking just yet...
I do believe she is scared!!!!
Well, it took her over a month to decide to get an ID for me!!! And she got me specially for the purpose of being a TV !!! Hehehe
So, yesterday we said Goodbye to my brother, Bombus , as he will be going to Belarus... but mom is working this week the whole day and can't go to the post office! ( she is going insaaane)
Well, next time piiictureees!
Posted Feb 24, 2010, 10:06 am
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Sion, Switzerland - 20th June 2010
By: swiss_sunshine
Hello there! This is finally me updating my stay in Switzerland! We've already done many things here. I've visited three cities and it's not over. Sunshine has other ideas. I can't wait!
The first town I saw was Sion / Sitten. It's a small town in the mountain. About 2 hours by train from Fribourg, where Sunshine lives. Sion is in the Rhone valley. They say that the sun always shines in Sion. The first picture shows you how close the Alps are and the second is me in front of the famous river, the Rhone that originates near Sion and runs from there through south east France until the Mediterranean Sea.
Posted Jun 20, 2010, 7:50 pm
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Sion, Switzerland - 20th June 2010
By: swiss_sunshine
In Sion there are 2 famous hills, Valere and Tourbillon. We went on both of them.
First: Valere. On the top of Valere (621m), there's a basilica and a castle. In the castle there's the Museum of History of the Valais Region.
On the first picture it's Valere from Sion. The second is me walking toward Valere and finally it's the view on Sion from the hill.
Posted Jun 20, 2010, 7:59 pm
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Sion, Switzerland - 20th June 2010
By: swiss_sunshine
The second hill, Tourbillon, is located next to Valere. On the top of Tourbillon there's an old castle that's in ruins now.
The first picture is us climbing to the top. The sun was shining but there was a lot, a lot of wind! Although Tourbillon is not high (about 700m), I really thought that the wind would carry me away from Sunshine!!
The second picture is me in front of an old wall of the castle.
The last are the view on Valere, on the Rhone and on the mountains from Tourbillon.
Nice, isn't it?
Posted Jun 20, 2010, 8:07 pm
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Neuchâtel, Switzerland - 20th June 2010
By: swiss_sunshine
Another day we went to Neuchâtel. It's a little town, about 1h by train from Fribourg. Sunshins studies Art History and Museum Studies at the University of Neuchâtel. That's why we went there. In Neuchâtel there's a lake. This is the first thing that you see when you get out of the station (as you can see on the picture!)
Posted Jun 20, 2010, 8:11 pm
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Neuchâtel, Switzerland - 20th June 2010
By: swiss_sunshine
Apart from the lake, there are one or two thing to see like the red church or the museum of Art. In front of it there are some sculptures. I took picture of two of them but I have to admitt that they are not my favorites! Sunshine likes art and museum and she told me that we would visit some during my stay. A mouse in a museum, have you ever heard something that crazy??
Posted Jun 20, 2010, 8:16 pm Last edited Jun 20, 2010, 8:17 pm by swiss_sunshine
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Fribourg, Switzerland - 20th June 2010
By: swiss_sunshine
I hope you like the pictures! Sunshine told me that I'm gonna taste some swiss cheeses (she says that's they better than the dutch cheese. We'll see! I'm going to try to judge them impartially!) Then we're going to visit Fribourg, Sunshine's hometown, Berne, the capital of Switerland, Basel, Sunshine's favorite town and maybe other like Lausanne.
As Sunshine loves football, I think we're going to watch some games, espicially the ones of the Swiss team!
More about my adventures soon!
Posted Jun 20, 2010, 8:21 pm
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Gruyères, Switzerland - 28th June 2010
By: swiss_sunshine
Hello Everybody!! Here some pictures of my swiss adventures!
First, last month we went to Gruyères. It's a touristic village and castle near Sunshine's place. It's in this region that one of the most famous swiss cheeese, the Gruyère, is produced! As it was extremely hot, it wasn't a good weather to taste a lot of cheese But instead visited the village. We saw the art gallerie, which is in an old chapel, the actual church of the village. We walked in the little village too.
Posted Jul 27, 2010, 12:23 pm Last edited Jul 27, 2010, 12:53 pm by swiss_sunshine
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Gruyères, Switzerland - 28th June 2010
By: swiss_sunshine
Hello Everybody!! Here some pictures of my swiss adventures!
First, last month we went to Gruyères. It's a touristic village and castle near Sunshine's place. It's in this region that one of the most famous swiss cheeese, the Gruyère, is produced! As it was extremely hot, it wasn't a good weather to taste a lot of cheese But instead visited the village. We saw the art gallerie, which is in an old chapel, the actual church of the village. We walked in the little village too.
Posted Jul 27, 2010, 12:23 pm
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Gruyères, Switzerlands - 28th June 2010
By: swiss_sunshine
In Gruyères there's a famous castle built during the Middle Age. In the 19th century it's been bought by a person who decided to make so changes in the inside decoration. The most striking example is the room decorated by the french paint Camille Corot.
Posted Jul 27, 2010, 12:57 pm
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Gruyères, Switzerland - 28th June 2010
By: swiss_sunshine
The landcape around the castle is just breathtaking! The sun was shining and the hills were sooo green! WoW!
Posted Jul 27, 2010, 1:00 pm
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Gruyères, Switzerland - 28th June 2010
By: swiss_sunshine
In Gruyères there's a special and weird museum: the Giger Museum. It's been founded by the swiss artist H.R. Giger. His most famouse creation is the Alien in the Hollywood movie Alien! Here's some pictures of me and other of his creations. Pretty scary, uh?
Posted Jul 27, 2010, 1:07 pm
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Basel, Switzerland - 6th July 2010
By: swiss_sunshine
After the countryside we went to a museum in Basel: the Beyeler Foundation to see an exhibition about the famous american painter Jean-Michel Basquiat. The museum is very well-known not only in Basel but in Europe. The building has been imagined by Renzo Piano. Here some pictures of the museum. Sorry no pictures of the exhibition. Mouse weren't allowed to go in!
Posted Jul 29, 2010, 8:41 pm
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Basel, Switzerland - 6th July 2010
By: swiss_sunshine
After the museum we went to Basel where we had Antipasti near the Rhine. I tasted my first cheese in Switzerland! Unfortunately it wasn't swiss cheese but greek cheese: Feta!
Sunshine told me that Basel is her favorite city in Switzerland. There's there a lot of museums, restaurants and shops. The only thing she hates about Basel is the football team! She's a a fan of the team of Bern!!
Posted Jul 29, 2010, 8:47 pm
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Schaffausen, Switzerland - 8th July 2010
By: swiss_sunshine
After having seen the Rhine flowing slowly in Basel, we went to the Rhine Falls near Schaffausen. But before, some pictures of the city of Schaffausen. The medieval city is sooo cute. We went on the Munot that is the fortification. Around it there's a vineyard and it's the symbol of Schaffausen. On it we have a nice view of the town. The first two pictures it's me on the steps leading to the Munot, then it's me in the Munot and the last pictures are the panorama! Nice, isn't? And we walk in the old city with beautiful houses.
Posted Jul 29, 2010, 8:54 pm Last edited Aug 2, 2010, 7:45 pm by swiss_sunshine
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