Elst, The Netherlands - 1st November 2009
By: Sollie
Hello Everyone!
Finally i have a mission in life, my mom loves to collect piglets, all sorts, and im one of the many.
Untill now, i have been with the others in a box in the attick, but after she heard about this site, she took me out of it, and told me i was gonna travel!
Isnt that exciting?
Untill now, i have been on the computer desk alot, not much to see here, but hoping someone will agree to host me soon, and take me to exciting places, see other Piglets, maybe let me play a soccer game and have lots of fun!
PS: I love PINK
Posted Nov 1, 2009, 7:54 pm Last edited Nov 1, 2009, 7:57 pm by Sollie
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Elst, The Netherlands - 8th November 2009
By: Sollie
Im still sitting here, waiting, seems like nobody want me
My mom will get her first TV on visit soon, he has been to England i heard, so i will have someone to play with, then it won't be lonely and boring anymore!
Can't wait for him to arrive!
I heard he loves RED, hope he will like me tho, even tho im pink...
We are already planning what to do when he comes here, depending on when he comes, he will join us when we leave for a weekend away with friends, and later a weekend away with family, lots of plans going on, can't wait!
Anyway, if you would like to have me on visit, let me know!
Posted Nov 8, 2009, 8:30 pm Last edited Nov 8, 2009, 8:30 pm by Sollie
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Elst, The Netherlands - 12th November 2009
By: Sollie
Hello there!
Yesterday we had some visit here, no, the super RED MrCoolHH is not yet here, im still waiting for my new friend!
It was visit for my mum, two friends came over to help with the house, they just moved here a year ago, and there is still a lot to be done here!
Mum had a picture taken of me and one of her friends, Stefan!
And today we ate PIZZA!
It was really delicious!
Tomorrow i might join mum to work, if she doesen't forget me, AGAIN, that has been the plan the whole week, for me to go with her for one day.
*sigh* She is really getting old, forgetting lots all the time
Posted Nov 12, 2009, 8:26 pm
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Veenendaal, The Netherlands - 13th November 2009
By: Sollie
Hello there everyone!
Today my mom brought me to work!
She said to her colleagues it was "bring your piglet to work day" today, some even laughed, thats kinda rude!
But she showed me the workfloor, and what she does there, and i got to meet friendly colleagues, have some food in the kantina, and just be in my moms pocket all day, it was super!
I was here almost the whole day, except for when she showed me off to colleagues and stuff.
A very friendly girl took this picture of us.
More family foto's!
Im sitting in a crate, thats where they put the stuff the shops has ordered.
You can see the label for the shop on the front, where its going to, and they have a computer that tells them what to put in there.
It looked kinda boooooring, i was happy to be able to get some sleep in the pocket aswell!
The workfloor!
I went totally nuts when i saw all the pink stuff they got there, its like, so much!
Swimming in PINK!
My mums friendly, but a little crazy, colleague, she was the one taking the picture of us together.
We told her all about ToyVyagers, and she liked the idea, thought it was super cute, maybe she will join one day?
Eating soup in the kantina, it was delicious!
It was a very nice day, and this weekend we will spend alot of time together aswell, because we are going away for a weekend!
No sign of MrCoolHH yet, im really hoping he will be here before the weekend, then i have someone to bring with me aswell!
My mum is going with her boyfriend, and another couple, so it would be fun to have someone to play with!
Take care!
Posted Nov 17, 2009, 5:33 pm
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Wateren, The Netherlands - 22nd November 2009
By: Sollie
Friday we went to Wateren, thats in Drenthe in The Netherlands.
It was time for relaxing, be with friends, and have fun!
This is Christel, a good friend of my mother, we were in the car on our way to a near by restaurant.
They really had good food there, and it was really nice!
Saturday was Dennis' birthday, so we left the luxury house to go to the local village for some shopping.
While we were looking around, we saw theese awsome socks!
Mum is Norwegian, and had me pose between them, it was awquard, but was done quickly
It was fun to se Norwegian flags, alltho, we still have no idea WHY they were Norwegian, maybe because of the poor print on them, that was supposed to look like the Norwegian sweater print, we dunno...
Anyway, this is what we got, didnt need much, as we brought most of the food and candy and all ourselves!
She just HAD to have those socks...
In the car again, on out way back to the luxury house, last drive untill we left for home, it was a really nice house!
This one explains itself, now doesent it?
Me in the fake flower on the table, with the house key
Making dinner, saturday evening!
Im doing my best to help out ofcourse...
Reading how to make the...uh...hmm... i'll just go watch some tv, call me when dinner is done!!!
Taking a nap after a very long day!
Sunday morning and afternoon it was just relaxing infront of the tv, eat good food, and do some sauna!
Here im cheering for the Norwegians, ofcourse!
Our very own private sauna
It was HOT i tell you, HOT!
Freek was being mean to me while we were cleaning up the house, told mum he had found something that sure needed to be cleaned up!
He didnt drop me in tho
It was a great weekend, had lots of fun, did very little, and i really enjoyed myself!
Too bad MrCoolHH didnt show up in time, we would have had a blast, im sure!!!
Maybe he will be here for 4-7th December, them we are going away again! hihi
And mum's birthday is on the 7th December, and then we all can celebrate!
If im not already on my way to Germany
Untill next time...PINK wishes to you...
Posted Nov 24, 2009, 7:58 pm
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???, ??? - 8th December 2009
By: Sollie
Nasse has run away, and i don't know where he is!
Did he get jealous with MrCool?
Posted Dec 8, 2009, 8:24 pm
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In The Mail, Netherlands - 19th December 2009
By: Sollie
Nasse is on his way to Germany now.
I hope he will be a good boy, behave and that he has lots of fun there!
Posted Dec 19, 2009, 10:28 pm
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Sülfeld , Germany - 29th December 2009
By: RikeH
Posted Dec 29, 2009, 9:43 pm Last edited Dec 29, 2009, 9:45 pm by RikeH
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Madaba, Jordan - 19th January 2010
By: RikeH
Posted Jan 31, 2010, 5:59 pm Last edited Feb 3, 2010, 12:15 pm by RikeH
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