Silky's , Hong Kong - 6th July 2009
By: silky
Hi everyone!
My friend S is having such a great time In Austria so I guess it's time for me to travel! Silky made me an ID Card as well I'm looking for new hosts at the moment, please PM Silky if you can host me
Posted Jul 6, 2009, 12:07 pm
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Silky's , Hong Kong - 7th July 2009
By: silky
Still havent found any hosts yet... maybe I'm not pretty enough 
Posted Jul 7, 2009, 1:10 pm
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silky's, hong kong - 20th July 2009
By: silky
sorry i have been pretty busy! i guess..right now, I am on my way to Annett's - yay thats my new host!- hopefully i'll arrive there soon! the flight is taking much longer than expected:/
oh by the way, I have been trying to plan where I will go's the tentative list:
iloveletters(Mechterstädt, Germany)
babyamy(Hamburg, Germany)
Pandamao(München, Germany)
Sissi(Aach, Germany)
Pixiedustlady(Pixiedustlady, USA)
actually I'm hoping to visit more places in germany before I go to the US would be great if I can visit all the places there
Posted Jul 20, 2009, 7:35 am Last edited Jul 20, 2009, 3:42 pm by silky
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Mechterstädt, Germany - 25th July 2009
By: iloveletters
Hello from Germany!!
After a journey of over a week I arrived here in Mechtersädt at my new host 'iloveletters' today.
Her TV is Aimee and I got a warm welcome from her!
I am looking forward to all my adventures here!
Posted Jul 26, 2009, 9:10 pm
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Mechterstädt, Germany - 26th July 2009
By: iloveletters
Well, my new host was away for the weekend and now we have to catch up with reading all the new entries on ToyVoyagers.
Posted Jul 26, 2009, 9:13 pm Last edited Jul 26, 2009, 9:14 pm by iloveletters
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