Bovensmilde, The Netherlands - 25th February 2009
By: Avalance
Hello all ^___^
I am ready to travel! I think I have already a date to go to Germany. I am very anxicous and I can't wait!
I have wanted to go to travel for a long time, but somehow it never came to it. I hope I will be able to see many pretty places and meet lots of new friends!
Posted Feb 25, 2009, 8:41 pm
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Bovensmilde, The Netherlands - 26th February 2009
By: Avalance
As I am going on my first trip, I am quite scared but also excited as well.
1. Last time sleeping here (for now).
2. Writing in my notebook.
3. Yeah, I know. Hello Kitty.
4. Packing for my trip to Germany.
5. Helping to pack.
And since I am going to Germany, Jupi wanted to give me a big hug and she hopes I'll come home safe of course! She will surely miss me I guess .. *sniff* .. I would miss her too !!
Posted Feb 26, 2009, 6:21 pm Last edited Feb 26, 2009, 6:22 pm by Avalance
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Smilde, The Netherlands - 27th February 2009
By: Avalance
Hi all!
Rhyu is now on his way to Germany. I hope he'll arrive soon and safely.
Take care my little boy !!
Posted Feb 27, 2009, 9:59 am Last edited Feb 27, 2009, 9:59 am by Avalance
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Hameln, Germany - 3rd March 2009
By: Elayoe
Hey Mum, today I arrived safely at my first host Solveig in Hameln. It was a long journey, but I was friendly welcomed by her and another toyvoyager Dottie Mouse. I think she can tell me a lot of her journeys and what I can experience during my journeys.
But I hope the weather will get better here as it is raining a lot.
Posted Mar 8, 2009, 11:29 am
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