Merzig, Germany - 18th March 2009
By: Apperveilchen
Hi Mom!
I safely arrived in Germany today. I met SaruMaru, an experienced toyvoyager and am looking forward to hearing his stories. I also met little Knopf the teddy. My host likes the handmade 'thank you'-card I brought her.
Posted Mar 18, 2009, 7:59 pm
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Saarland, Germany - 20th March 2009
By: Apperveilchen
Hi Mommy!
I found a tree that I can climb. That's much better than any playground. 
Posted Mar 20, 2009, 6:13 pm
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W'sweiler, Germany - 22nd March 2009
By: Apperveilchen
Hi Mommy!
I went out for a long walk today. There were a lot of people around and we had to wait all the time because it was so crowded. On Sundays when it isn't raining a lot of Germans apparently like to go for walks with the family. The also meet neighbors or aquaintances on the way and stop to chat. Others have playdates for their dogs or kids or go horse riding or in our case golfing.
Posted Mar 22, 2009, 6:33 pm
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Jägersburg, Germany - 22nd March 2009
By: Apperveilchen
A good place for a walk is also the small water castle Gustavsburg in Jägersburg. There are benches to rest and one canfeed the water fowl.
Posted Mar 22, 2009, 6:37 pm
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Homburg, Germany - 22nd March 2009
By: Apperveilchen
One the way back we stopped at the main post office and bought some stamps from the machine and dropped off Kunigunde. So she is now on her way to you. I told her the journey isn't too bad and told her about all the things she'll see in Greece.
Posted Mar 22, 2009, 6:41 pm
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Merzig, Germany - 24th March 2009
By: Apperveilchen
Crafts time! We helped our host create a little something... Can you already see what it will be?
Posted Apr 7, 2009, 9:19 pm
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University, Germany - 2nd April 2009
By: Apperveilchen
We went to university today and it was a great day.
Here's us in one of the study rooms. It was empty because the lectures and classes haven't started, yet. For the hard work we got rewarded with an ice-coffee. Yum!
Posted Apr 2, 2009, 7:33 pm
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Luxembourg, Luxembourg - 7th April 2009
By: Apperveilchen
Today we drove to Luxembourg to refill the car and run some errands in Luxembourg city. Unfortunately we didn't have a camera with us. But more important was the audio book because we got into the late rush hour on the way back.
Posted Apr 7, 2009, 7:59 pm
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Essen, Germany - 10th April 2009
By: Apperveilchen
Mommy, today I had a look at children's books here.
Favorite picture books are those by Ali Mitgutsch where there's a lot of details in every picture that make it fun to look at lots of times becasue there's always something new to discover.
Janosch books are also very nice. They are the stories the little tiger and little bear that you saw in the hospital are from.
Plus there are the classics like Robin Hood or The Little Nick. The other on is about a fire-red little devil, also a personal favorite of our host.
Here are some books for older children, like part of the series of the 'wild hens' (wilde Hühner) by Cornelia Funke. Books by Christine Nöstlinger, the author of many children's books, and a story about the tom-cat who taught the little sea gull how to fly.
These two are a cute little family:
Here are some books that are quite old. They should show some moral value.
Frederick is a formerly well-known little mouse and there's a book that gives information about hedgehogs in form of a poem and another that has children' songs.
Naturally Astrid Lindgren's books are also popular in Germany. Here are my host's favorites.
For the smaller children there's a picture book about firefighters and a book of fairytales of mice or giants.
There are even books of toyvoyagers.

Here's Felix, a bunny that travels the world

and writes letters home to his family. When he returns he brings back the stickers of the different countries in his luggage. Thats also a nice thing for a tv to collect.

He even traveled in time after he was lost in a museum and writes home about different ancient times.

I also found some bigger books, like these well-known stories as illustrated books or comics, or dictionaries just in German, or in German, English and French.
Among the educational books, the WasIstWas (what is what) series is quite big. These are about castles and knights, and one book about getting a new little sibling.
There are fairy tales from all over the world and tales of little wood-dwellers.
Another personal favorite is this:
It's about David who is hit by a car and has to stay in the hospital. It explains how the hospital works.
This book shows where Santa Claus lives and how presens are made.
There are also old books where one had to buy the pictures seperately as stickers.
I also found mroe comics and many books about Petterson and Findus, an old man and his cat. These aren't German but they are very popular here.
A funny series by a German author is that of the Sams:
An ordinary man suddenly aquires a 'Sams', something like a strange kind of child, with blue spots that fulfill wishes. But one truly has to be careful what to wish for and when and where to wish for it. I'm going to enjoy these for now. Bye!
Posted Apr 10, 2009, 9:45 pm Last edited Apr 10, 2009, 9:52 pm by Apperveilchen
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Essen, Germany - 11th April 2009
By: Apperveilchen
After we lazed around in the sun later yesterday, there's a party tonight and we spent most of today preparing the house for it and making food and shopping. Here's the result of our cooking:
tomato-mozarella-basil snacks; freshly cut carrots, peppers, cucumbers and kohlrabi with dip, filled peppers, cheese and fresh fruit, dates wrapped in bacon, olives, bread, avocado dip, bread and French and Lebanese style meat balls (filled with herbes de Provence and goat cheese, or with raisins, roasted pignolia and cinnamon). I couldn't get pictures of the cocktails. I was too 'happy'.
Posted Apr 15, 2009, 6:08 pm
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Essen, Germany - 12th April 2009
By: Apperveilchen
Happy Easter!
Look how many eggs we found! People here also paint eggs for Easter. These are some of the accumulated works from earlier years, including one that Rex and Philéas helped to paint last year. Now we are going to have boiled eggs on bread, egg salad etc. for breakfast.
Posted Apr 15, 2009, 6:14 pm Last edited Apr 15, 2009, 6:15 pm by Apperveilchen
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Freisenbruch, Germany - 14th April 2009
By: Apperveilchen
Hi Mom!
We visited a residential area today. Aren't the gardens beautiful with the spring flowers and very green and soft grass? As you can see on the big thermometer we had 21°C, warm enough to have lunch outside. Can you find all of us in the apple trees?
Posted Apr 15, 2009, 8:15 pm
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Brohltal, Germany - 14th April 2009
By: Apperveilchen
We stopped along the Autobahn on our way south. Do you see the castle ruin on the hill in the background? And we had a look into the beautiful Brohltal (Brohl valley). The better view is from the bridge, but we couldn't stop there to take a picture.
Posted Apr 15, 2009, 8:26 pm
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