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To visit Europe

To visit the great wall of China

To visit South America

To visit all over the country of China

To be photographed with foreign candy

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Travelog for: Bonishka

Richlands NC, USA - 12th September 2008

By: Pixiedustlady

Hello everyone! I am Bonishka the Bunny and I have never traveled anywhere before! My mom is looking for hosts that would like to let me see the world.  I am small and light weight and very quiet and well behaved :)  Please let me know if you can help me travel!  :p

baniska the bunny.jpg

* Posted Sep 12, 2008, 4:53 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Richlands NC, USA - 12th September 2008

By: Pixiedustlady

Bonishka was lucky enough to find her first host!! A lovely lady from Northern Ireland will be hosting Bonishka and has just been transported to the post office by air mail on her way to Northern Ireland. Im sure she will have a wonderful stay and I cant wait to see where she goes!!  :p

* Posted Sep 12, 2008, 9:28 pm Last edited Oct 27, 2008, 12:41 am by Pixiedustlady [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Lisburn, Northern Ireland - 18th September 2008

By: HappySunshine

Bonishka arrived in Northern Ireland today - hurrah!  :p

She is just in time to go away for the weekend to a lovely town just over the border in Ireland.  Hopefully we will see a castle, a lough and some boats .... and we might even get to eat some ice-cream!

* Posted Sep 18, 2008, 7:55 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Carlingford, Ireland - 20th September 2008

By: HappySunshine

We took advantage of the lovely weather which has arrived in Ireland (finally!) and went down to Carlingford for the day.



Carlingford is a lovely quaint town that still has a lot of medieval walls and buildings, and a lovely castle that BlueRat was very excited about!  Carlingford Castle (King John's Castle) was built in 1190s and named after King John who came to visit in 1210.  There are also some other buildings, Taafe Castle and the Mint which look like castles, but are more likely to be fortified houses for wealthy people.


Carlingford was an important trading port between 14th and 16th centuries, and you can still see boats in the harbour now.



After a walk around Carlingford, we headed back to Newry and stopped off at Victoria Lock Gates.  Newry has a canal which stretches into the city alongside Carlingford Lough.  The gates have just been mechanized which will allow boats and barges into the city - we didn't see any boats wanting to do that though.  You can see the lovely Mourne Mountains though behind me here




We also stopped at Omeath and had a look at the map of the Oriel Trail - we just weren't feeling energetic enough though to go cycling or walking - instead we went for ice-cream!


* Posted Sep 21, 2008, 7:52 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Belfast, Northern Ireland - 30th September 2008

By: HappySunshine

Last weekend we went to see a dog show in Belfast.  It was a championship show for lots of breeds of dogs with dogs coming from all over the world, and it was a special show for the Ulster Irish Terrier Club!

we got to walk around the show and see lots of dogs



I met Elmo - his mom is a friend of my host -


And then we made it to the Irish Terrier Show - here i am at the banner that Clare made specially -


My host, Happy, had to help out with the show so we couldn't take any pictures incase we distracted the dogs, but here i am meeting deirdre afterwards - she did really well and won her class!


* Posted Sep 30, 2008, 10:01 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Lisburn, Northern Ireland - 13th October 2008

By: HappySunshine

Well its been a very wet week since I last posted about my travels ... everyday i went with my host to work hoping to get a chance to pop out at lunchtime and take some pics, but it was raining far too hard!  the one day the rain stopped was of course the day the car was away being serviced so we just took a walk into own.

we went to the bus station to see if Blue Rat had come back from Dublin yet, but there was no sign of her ...


I had a look at the Linen Museum in the centre of the town - it is the only building that survived the fire in the 1700s and now has a museum telling all about the linen industry - the fields around the town used to be full of flax growing which was then sent to the nearby mills to be turned into linen.  from there it was exported all over the world!


as we walked back to the house, we went over the River Lagan which used to power the mills.  the river flows all the way into Belfast


and then we got home!


I thought you might also like to know that something very strange happened this week as well .... HS found a frog on her doorstep!  we think this was down to all of the rain and that he had gotten lost on his way to the river!  happily he hoped away before her BF got ideas about having a pet frog!!!!

* Posted Oct 13, 2008, 5:05 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Newry, Northern Ireland - 26th October 2008

By: HappySunshine

in between the rain, we got out and did some more sight seeing -

here i am at the Parliament Building in Belfast - this is where the local government sits and makes decisions about things like schools, hospitals and roads ..


we stopped quickly at Stranmillis College, Belfast, to pick up the BF after he sat an exam.  Stranmillis is a teacher training college but lots of companies use it for tests and exams to find new staff.  The College was founded in 1922 and has some lovely gardens. 


we also did some 'leaf peeping' there - with there having been so much rain in Northern Ireland, the autumn colours are looking very beautiful


then we went down to Newry and enjoyed the sunshine



we went looking for an ancient monument: Ballymacdermot Court Cairn




It is a Stone Age tomb which overlooks South Down but we don't know who was buried there originally.

on the way home, we saw a phonebox and thought about calling home ....


but no need - i found out that i have a new host waiting for me so I am off to Austria soon!!!

* Posted Oct 27, 2008, 6:19 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Vienna, Austria - 31st October 2008

By: ChristinaB

I just arrived in Vienna today after a very comfortable flight. Not even really settled down here I have to leave again because my host is going to Budapest today and she told me that I could join her. How great, hm? Will let you know more later...

* Posted Oct 31, 2008, 3:14 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Richlands, North Carolina, USA - 9th May 2009

By: Pixiedustlady

Since my last host has not updated or sent me home since October of last year, my Mom went out and found another *Me* I am now home and searching for a host :)  If anyone would like to host me, please let my Mom know!!


* Posted May 9, 2009, 7:19 pm Last edited May 9, 2009, 7:22 pm by Pixiedustlady [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Richlands, North Carolina , USA - 20th May 2009

By: Pixiedustlady

I am sooo excited! My mom just told me I am going to go to Beijing, China!! I have never been to China and I am excited to see the beautiful country and meet my new host!  I got in my envelope and brought a bunch of goodies for my new host :)  I will update when I arrive!!

* Posted May 20, 2009, 3:06 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

China, Beijing - 1st June 2009

By: whatif

Hello everyone! I cann't believe I am here in Beijing now! It's sooo different from my hometown, and people here speak Chinese! I think I can understand a little. :rolleyes:
My host is a Chinese young lady. ;) She was very excited to see me. Today I arrived at her workplace, so when I came out from the mail bag, her workmates were sooo surprising to see me, a rabbit from the other side of the world! They all loved me very much! What a pretty rabbit~~ahha! :cyclops:

Tonight I went home with my host and have met her family. There is a lovely white dog in her family who was very interested in me, and I guess maybe he was...a little... hungry...... :o My host told him to be nice to his new friend :)

And I also met some other friends at her home, they were all larger than me, but treat me good! I told a bear he can come to my home in USA. B)

So, I am happy here with them, and Chinese food tastes good! I love it ;) My host was so busy with her study now because next week she will take part in a final test in university, and after that she will be free!

OK~ Time to sleep! Goodnight everyone.Have a nice dream~~ :D


* Posted Jun 1, 2009, 3:45 pm Last edited Jun 1, 2009, 3:57 pm by whatif [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Beijing, China - 2nd June 2009

By: Pixiedustlady

Just updating Bonishka's travel map :)

* Posted Jun 30, 2009, 1:42 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Beijing, China - 4th June 2009

By: whatif

Hello! These days I was so busy traveling around this city with my new host, so no wonder I don't have time to update my travelog here until now.  B)
Yesterday I went to IKEA for shopping. The hotdog there smelt very goooood, but I am a rabbit, I don't eat hotdog. I wish I am a tiger!
Mommy, don't worry about me, I am not lonely here! :cyclops:
Look at me! Can you find me?  :rolleyes:


* Posted Jun 4, 2009, 2:45 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Beijing, Tian' anmen, China - 5th June 2009

By: whatif

Hi ! Today I had a great trip to a very famous place in Beijing, the Tian' Anmen! But it's a sunny summer day and my host and I were almost smelt in the sunshine...  :p


You know what Tian' anmen stands for. It's not just a great building. It means a lot to Chinese people. Every voyager travling in Beijing for the first time is sure to come here to have a look at the Tian' anmen square. And I did it as well. :cyclops:


Here you can see the photo of Chairman Mao. It has been hung there for a long time.




Just behind me is the National Museum of China, and you can see it's under reconstruction these days. I guess I can not  wait until it opens again since I am a toyvoyager. B)




You can find out we had walked across the square! It's really a large square, and especially too large for me, a little rabbit. ~~~


This is the Monument to the People's Heroes. And the one behind it is Chairmanmao Memorial Hall.


Now, after the traveling, all I want is a big icecream!!  :cyclops:

* Posted Jun 5, 2009, 2:31 pm Last edited Jun 6, 2009, 2:37 am by whatif [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Beijing, China - 7th June 2009

By: whatif

It has been a rainy day today after a whole sunny week, which is good for doing some sports. My host's mother just going to have a vocation in Shidu Scenic Area, but everyone in family are busy with their work, except me! So she invited me to go with her, and I agreed with pleasure!  B)



There are mountains and waterfalls here.







My host‘s mommy has a good  time in my company, so she has bought me a little gift to thank me.  ;)
It is also a rabbit, but not a normal rabbit. It is a Chinese traditional crafts, and they call it "兔爷(to ye)". It looks so coooool !  B) I can not wait to show you, mom!



* Posted Jun 7, 2009, 12:48 pm Last edited Jun 7, 2009, 12:53 pm by whatif [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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