Essen-Kray, Germany - 27th August 2008
By: Apperveilchen
My name is Ebba. I am going to be a present next year for a nice woman who always wanted to go to the USA for a year as an au pair but could never quite work up the courage. So I want to spend a year travelling through different households in the US before I come to her with my travelog.
I like kids a lot and would be happy to see how they live. I also like all animals, but esp. cats, just please don't let them scratch me or eat me!
I am going to start the USATVT next week. Wish me luck!
Posted Aug 27, 2008, 10:01 am Last edited Aug 27, 2008, 10:19 am by Apperveilchen
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Fairfax, Virginia, United States - 9th September 2008
By: wmphimu
Hello from the United States! I arrived this afternoon to a fuzzy welcoming committee of Fllama, Plaid Moose, and Jimbo Elephant!
I haven't gotten to look around too much - I spent much of the afternoon taking a long nap and getting to know my new friends - but I hear that we'll be out and about tomorrow!
Posted Sep 10, 2008, 3:19 am
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Fairfax, Virginia, United States - 1st October 2008
By: wmphimu
Shana Tovah! That means Happy New Year in Hebrew! This week we celebrated Rosh Hashana - the Jewish New Year - and I helped! Here I am helping to set the table for a family dinner...
And here we all are putting a cover on the round challah that Mara's family ate!
And I celebrated the new year the traditional way - eating apples dipped in honey! Yum!
Posted Oct 1, 2008, 11:29 pm
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Fairfax, Virginia, United States - 7th October 2008
By: wmphimu
Hello! Over the weekend, a new visitor arrived! I helped to open up the package and welcome Pebbels!
I had never met a tiger before, but she's really friendly! She showed us her travel journal - she has been to some really neat places!
Posted Oct 7, 2008, 6:38 pm
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Fairfax, Virginia, United States - 7th October 2008
By: wmphimu
My host and her husband play softball on the weekends. So a few of us hopped into Mara's bag to check it out! Here I am at the field (Mara is upset that the camera cut the bottom of the picture off, but you can still see me!)
And here we are sitting in the bleachers to watch the game!
Posted Oct 7, 2008, 6:40 pm
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Fairfax, Virginia, United States - 13th October 2008
By: wmphimu
I have had a great trip to Virginia! But I am leaving in the morning to my next host. So as I am getting packed tonight, I also said my goodbyes. First I said goodbye to Mara's bunnies - as a fellow rabbit, we have become good friends!
Then I said goodbye to my Toy Voyager friends.
I have had a good visit, and am excited for my next adventure!
Posted Oct 14, 2008, 1:51 am
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Grand Junction Colorado, USA - 18th October 2008
By: wourpet
Here is a picture of me with the friendly beast Charlie I met while out walking in the yard.
Posted Dec 27, 2008, 9:54 pm
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Grand Junction, Colorado, USA - 20th October 2008
By: wourpet
I have arrived with my new host and took a quick look around at the mountains.
Posted Oct 20, 2008, 3:14 pm
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Grand Junction, Colorado, USA - 4th November 2008
By: wourpet
Its been cold and windy so my host has left me to hang out on a nice warm shelf above the computer but today I got to go out for a drive.
We went to the train station to meet a sailor that was coming home.
The train was late and it was a very long wait.
Posted Nov 9, 2008, 4:49 pm Last edited Nov 9, 2008, 4:49 pm by wourpet
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Washington DC, USA - 10th November 2008
By: wourpet
Wow. What a change in scenery all of a sudden. My host whisked me away today to Washington DC. We had to get out of bed and down to the airport in Grand Junction while it was still dark. We flew from there to Denver and after breakfast at the airport there we hopped on a long flight to Washington DC and arrived in time for supper.
Tomorrow we will be part of the Veterans Day activities at Arlington Cemetery.
Posted Dec 27, 2008, 9:58 pm Last edited Dec 27, 2008, 10:00 pm by wourpet
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