Home, Helsinki - 7th August 2008
By: Marsu
So now is time to get some hosts from England to this little cutie. It would be good if persons lives different citys in England.
When I got six hosts, I send Läpsy to there.
I put little diary with her where every host writes daily. Läpsy wants to be three days with each hosts.
This is her first trip and it's a bit scary to her, so that's why trip is going to be short.
Send me pm, if you like to have her. 
Posted Aug 7, 2008, 7:59 pm Last edited Aug 7, 2008, 8:01 pm by Marsu
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Home, Helsinki - 16th August 2008
By: Marsu
Today my mom told me, that i'm leaving to England on Monday!
Two girls was sent a message, that they would love to host me.
Thanks and see you hopefully soon!
Posted Aug 16, 2008, 7:28 pm
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Nottingham, England - 23rd August 2008
By: lickle-babie-laura
Well today i arrived safley. Glad i did was getting a little lonley on my own. Today i am going around and about local but tomorow i am off on holiday so will not be in touch for a couple of days mum. I am so excited although can-not wait. See you soonish x
Posted Aug 23, 2008, 11:50 am
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Yorkshire, England - 28th August 2008
By: lickle-babie-laura
Here i am at Ryecroft burial ground which is a very old grave yard. For many years it was left, nobody tended the graves. In recent years a family living in the house next to the graveyard have brought the land and have cleared the grounds.
Posted Aug 28, 2008, 8:14 pm
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Yorkshire , England - 28th August 2008
By: lickle-babie-laura
A walk accross the mores gave me chance to look at this old farm house which is being renivated.
Posted Aug 28, 2008, 8:17 pm
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Dörpen, Germany - 20th October 2008
By: Blurchen
Those sweets you can´t buy in Austria - sadly - and so my host took a lof ot them with her.
I was also allowed to buy a pack for myself. =)

Posted Oct 28, 2008, 10:47 am
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Bourtange, Netherlands - 21st October 2008
By: Blurchen
Posted Oct 29, 2008, 9:35 am Last edited Oct 29, 2008, 9:37 am by Blurchen
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Heede, Germany - 21st October 2008
By: Blurchen
On our way home from Bourtange we passed Heede. In Heede there´s a 1000 year old lime-tree (Linde).
It´s quite big, huh!?
I loved it - it was perfect for me! =) .. Here I could stay.. but.. yeah - I know that I had to go back home with my host. I want to see a bit more from the world. But that doesn´t mean that I can come back once, or!? =)

Posted Oct 29, 2008, 9:40 am
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