Petzenkirchen, Austria - 22nd August 2008
By: Blurchen
Ah.. I`m free! =) After these long days in the small envelope I can stretch my legs and arms. And the sun´s shining too - great! =) My host told me that I´m know in Petzenkirchen in Austria. I havn´t seen much of it now... but.. she told me that she´s going to show me arround! =)
Posted Aug 22, 2008, 2:47 pm
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Petzenkirchen, Austria - 22nd August 2008
By: Blurchen
Soon after I got out from my envelope Nami came by to say "Hi". She´ll spend the time with my at our host Christina.
My first afternoon I spent with my host and with Nami in the garden. Nami couldn´t wait to swim, but I didn´t wanted to. So I helped my host gather the blackberries.
She even gave me my own can! =) I´ve to say that I became a fan of that can...
Posted Aug 23, 2008, 5:31 pm Last edited Aug 23, 2008, 5:31 pm by Blurchen
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Wieselburg, Austria - 22nd August 2008
By: Blurchen
Christina took us with her to our friends, where we spend a really nice evening on their balcony. The best thing was the christmas-candle, which they alight. =)
Posted Aug 27, 2008, 4:31 pm Last edited Aug 27, 2008, 10:07 pm by Blurchen
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Petzenkirchen, Austria - 23rd August 2008
By: Blurchen
Today we have been to a Heuriger with our host and their we got some typical austrian dishes.
From there we had a great view!
Here I´m drinking some Almdudler.
And on this bread you can see "Liptauer" - a sweet pepper spread, which was delicious! =) I hope soon I can get some again!
But until that moment I prefere bread with honey... ; )
Posted Aug 27, 2008, 10:06 pm
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Vienna, Austria - 24th August 2008
By: Blurchen
Today I saw the new Batman movie - The Dark Knight - in the cinema.
And it was also a special cinema - an english cinema. The "English Cinema Haydn"´s the oldest english speaking cinema in Vienna - it was found 1914.
We have been early and so we had to wait a little bit. Next to the cinema there was the church "Maria Hilf".
The seat next to Christina has been free and so we could sit on her backpack and enjoy the movie.
Sadly Christina hadn´t got some honey with her and so I also had to eat the chocolate, which she gave me. It was her luck that they´ve been deliciouse, otherwise I´d have told her to get me some honey! ; )
Posted Aug 27, 2008, 10:18 pm
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Petzenkirchen, Austria - 1st September 2008
By: Blurchen
Today Christina had a free afternoon and it was such a nice day that she made a walk with us trough her hometown Petzenkirchen. It´s just a small town and there´s not much to see. But at least they got an old castle and a nice church. =)
Christina also told us the legend about the name of the town and the church.
Once there was a knight and he met a bear in the forest. He prayed to god that he´ll build a chapel on this place, when he can fight the bear. He could and so he built on that place a chapel. This chapel grow to the church of Petzenkirchen and also the town was named after this legend. “Petz”´s a name for a big bear and “Kirche” ´s the german word for church. So the town´s called “bear-church”, badly translated.
Posted Sep 19, 2008, 10:30 am
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Vienna, Austria - 3rd September 2008
By: Blurchen
Today we all have been at the reading from the german book author Ingrid Noll in the Thalia-Shop in Vienna. =)
I havn´t read any book from Ingrid Noll before, but my host Christina´s a fan from her and so she took us with her.
Ingrid Noll´s writing crime stories and just released her new book "Kuckuckskind". At the moment it´s only avaible as a hardcover-book, so Christina didn´t bought it, but she liked, what Ingrid Noll was reading from it.
After the reading we´ve been also waiting to get the books of Christina signed. There´ve been sooo many people that we couldn´t pose with Ingrid Noll, but at home Christina took time to show us her books and the signature she got from Ingrid Noll.
Posted Sep 19, 2008, 10:33 am Last edited Sep 19, 2008, 10:34 am by Blurchen
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Maria Taferl, Austria - 10th September 2008
By: Blurchen
Posted Oct 18, 2008, 8:30 am Last edited Oct 18, 2008, 8:31 am by Blurchen
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Klosterneuburg, Austria - 18th September 2008
By: Blurchen
Today we made a short visit in Klosterneuburg, where the mum of my host lives. We havn´t got a lot of time, but we stopped for a short while to look at the Abby Klosterneuburg.
Posted Oct 18, 2008, 11:21 am
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Rakvere, Estonia - 1st October 2008
By: minnihiiru
So I arrived Mari's home and other Toyvoyager TheBertieDuck is also there and it was 1st meeting him.
Posted Oct 2, 2008, 6:21 pm Last edited Oct 2, 2008, 6:22 pm by minnihiiru
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Rakvere, Estonia - 2nd October 2008
By: minnihiiru
Today I went to school with Mari.It was quite busy today.The lessons started 8.00am and in chemistry she had test and then she had maths,german lesson,physics,english,maths and literature(every lesson 45 minutes+10-20 minutes break).Mari studies at 11 grade.I listened what teacher talked and i was so tired end of the school day it ended 14.50 and then we went to library and then started Mari's artschool,girls drew and I looked them,after that we went to church's park and made pics.We saw ducks in the pond
And then we were in centre city and saw small "tarvas"-s.Mari said that soon we go to look this big one too.I can't wait it.
Posted Oct 2, 2008, 6:42 pm Last edited Oct 2, 2008, 6:46 pm by minnihiiru
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