Central/ Tsim Sha Tsui , Hong Kong - 1st June 2008
By: hksusanita
Posted Jun 1, 2008, 7:00 pm Last edited Jul 25, 2008, 6:41 pm by hksusanita
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Yuen Long, Hong Kong - 4th June 2008
By: hksusanita
Hurray!!! Apperveilchen promised to host me from Mid-August!
I am now lookin' for someone who can host me before Mid-August!
Host me! Host me! 
Posted Jun 4, 2008, 6:59 pm
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On the plane, Sky - 12th June 2008
By: hksusanita
Stutz is on his way to Ireland and longing for the trip to Liverpool!!! 
Posted Jun 12, 2008, 7:40 am
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Lisburn, Northern Ireland - 14th June 2008
By: HappySunshine
Hi Mama and fellow TVs!!!
Just a quick note to let you know that i arrived after my long flight from Hong Kong in Northern Ireland on Saturday. My host, Emma, wasn't here as she was at a wedding in Portugal but i was very safe anyway with her mum!!!
i've had a quiet few days, meeting the locals and looking after Emma's fish. I hope to go to work with Emma later this week and then we have a busy weekend planned starting with a Midsummer Fayre in Lisburn and then a party just over the border in Co Louth.
more later!!!
Posted Jun 17, 2008, 8:23 pm
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Lisburn, Northern Ireland - 18th June 2008
By: HappySunshine
Some pictures of me meeting the locals at Emma's house. It was very wet today so i kept an eye on the fish.

Posted Jun 18, 2008, 7:34 pm
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Belfast, Northern Ireland - 22nd June 2008
By: HappySunshine
On Friday, i went to work with emma
and we stopped on the way to have my picture taken outside the Parliament Building
and then went into work where i helped emma!
After work we went out for tea in belfast but it was too dark to take any photos. i saw some lovely buildings though and we hope to go back later on in my visit. we never made it to the fair - it started raining on saturday morning and hasn't stopped! there was even thunder and lightening last night - luckily i was safe inside with emma and didn't get wet!!
Posted Jun 22, 2008, 7:20 pm
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Lisburn, Northern Ireland - 26th June 2008
By: HappySunshine
well the weather hasn't been great this week so we haven't done much sightseeing. we went to the shops earlier today
and then stopped off by the big cranes at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast. The cranes are very big as you can see
There are 2 cranes which are called Samson and Goliath although Emma calls them 'High and Wee' because if you look very carefully you can see a small crane on top of each of the big ones!! They used to build lots of ships in Belfast - the most famous one was the Titanic - but these days the docks mainly dismantle ships. They are building a big scheme to commemorate the Titanic and putting in displays to remind people what it looked like. It will be very good when it is finished and give people another reason to visit Belfast!
Posted Jun 26, 2008, 7:49 pm
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