Lisbon, Portugal - 4th August 2008
By: Penvmbra
My name is Vladimir and I'm a tiger who wants to travel on your fingers.
I love Mother Nature, so my missions are very 'ecologic-type'.
I'm also very handsome and I go along very well with pets, specially cats.
I hope you like me and enjoy my adventures =)
Tiger kisses,
Posted Aug 8, 2008, 1:13 pm
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A Cañiza,Pontevedra, Galicia,Spain - 5th August 2008
By: Penvmbra
'Hola' to the people who read me!
I left Lisbon in early night to go to a very small town named Casanxo, placed in A Cañiza, a municipality in Galicia, in the province of Pontevedra.
There wasn't much to see there, but there was a small graveyard I visited:
Look at those beautiful flowers...I love to see 'real' flowers in cemeteries, not the ones in plastic.
The chapel is placed in the middle of the cemetery and the graves all around:
LOOK, I found a cousin
Oh, it's not a tiger, it's an imitation
Penvmbra told me it was a cat with tiger-like pattern.
Well, he was nice anyway
He even let P. cuddle him
The houses in this town are all made of stone:
Hm, fresh water =)
Time to rest now.
Tiger kisses,
Posted Aug 8, 2008, 1:27 pm Last edited Aug 9, 2008, 4:03 pm by Penvmbra
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Santa Maria, Azores, Portugal - 23rd August 2008
By: Penvmbra
Hello, hello!
I haven't updated my travel log for quite a longe time, but now I'm back with new photos
This time I went to Azores, a portuguese archipelago of 9 beautifil islands.
I went to the Santa Maria Island, one of the smallest in the archipelago.
I had one of the best beaches in the world by my side:
The beaches aren't too big, but the sand is like velvet, the water is very clean and the air very pure
One day we went to Maia, a small place by the sea, and we found these ducks living there freely:
This baby is soooo cute
The outskirts of the place:, Migui+Gui, Mumu and Margarida were ofered grapes from the region
The typical boat:
The sunset:
Those are typical tools used in the ancient times: the mill wheels and the jars to store food and drink:
In this place Cristopher Colombus stoped on his way to Europe, after discovering America:
In these islands there is a tradition of serving a special soap in honor of the Holy Spirit.
The soap is served for free to anyone who wants to come in and is made like in the ancient times, with home made bread and meat from the cows of the people there:
The queue for the soaps:
Inside the chapel:
Eating the soap:
Mumu introduced us some member of her family.
They live happy and in peace in this islands
It is amazing to feel surrounded by sea:
Look ate the color of the sand there:
And this is Faneco, the sweetest dog I ever met, although it seems he wanted to eat me :P
I may say I loved this travel
Tiger kisses,
Posted Sep 12, 2008, 12:25 pm Last edited Sep 12, 2008, 1:15 pm by Penvmbra
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Maple Ridge, BC, Canada - 25th September 2008
By: AbbyB
Hi Mum, I have arrived in Canada!
Tiger kisses,
Posted Sep 26, 2008, 7:15 am
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Maple Ridge, BC, Canada - 26th September 2008
By: AbbyB
Abby had a couple packages to pick up at the post office and so she took everyone along. Out of one of the packages popped Hedgie Hedgehog!
Posted Sep 27, 2008, 3:41 am Last edited Sep 27, 2008, 3:41 am by AbbyB
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Maple Ridge, BC, Canada - 26th September 2008
By: AbbyB
This is the famous horse clock in Maple Ridge, basically the only interesting thing in the city. There's a legend that goes with the clock and the horse. The horse represents a beast that fought for Mother Nature against those who were hurting the environment, but was gravely hurt in the process. Mother Nature set up the clock as a reminder to not hurt the environment.
Posted Sep 27, 2008, 3:42 am
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Maple Ridge, BC, Canada - 3rd October 2008
By: AbbyB
After yoga, we made tea.
The cup is actually Abby's; she found a smaller, ToyVoyager-sized cup for everyone. Nothing beats Earl Grey on a cold, wet day
Posted Oct 4, 2008, 12:02 am
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Maple Ridge, BC, Canada - 10th October 2008
By: AbbyB
Just look at this view! Maple Ridge, where Abby lives is on the edge of the Vancouver suburbs, so there is a lot of farmland and there are also a lot of dikes around, because it's a fairly low-lying area. In the background, on the right, you can see the mountains called Goldenears. Lots of wildlife lives in the marshes, including herons, muskrats and beavers, but I didn't see any.
Posted Oct 11, 2008, 4:20 am
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Maple Ridge, BC, Canada - 12th October 2008
By: AbbyB
Today is Canadian Thanksgiving, and that means a good, old-fashioned turkey dinner. If you want to see the entire process, you can read Greedy's travelog, but I was just interested in the final product. Bon appetit!
Posted Oct 13, 2008, 7:33 pm
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