puny&bumblebees house, USA - 17th August 2008
By: Puny&Bumblebee
Well, Brog and I went on something called an expedition. He took me all around town and showed me some cool things. Brog is a very smart bear-frog, and he is SO cool. He said he needed to go incognito around town though, cause there are some folks who just won't leave him alone. He is a very popular bear-frog!.
Here is a picture of me and Brog with his "incognito" look.
Here is a picture of me and Buzzy hiding in the flowers. Buzzy is a spiffy little bumblebee. I like him a lot!
And finally for this post, here is a picture of me and
In the next post, I will show y'all some of the other frogs that are living here.
Mom, hope you are doing okay. I am having loads of fun here in Nebraska. We are going on a road trip tomorrow and will be gone for about 4 or 5 days. I will make updates as I can.
Have a pleasant day!!!!
Posted Aug 17, 2008, 7:03 am Last edited Aug 17, 2008, 7:07 am by Puny&Bumblebee
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puny&bumblebee's house, Nebraska - 27th August 2008
By: Puny&Bumblebee
Well, here I am again! We are all back from this place called Omaha. From what I can gather, it is another town....except for it is HUGE! I am positive I did not see all of it while I was there! I have included some more pictures tho!!
This is me and Desi. He prefers to stay on the dashboard of John's Twin Cam...says he catches LOTS of bugs there. hehehe
This is of me hiding in the bushes at this thing called a casino. Those places are sure LOOOOUUUUUDDDD!!!!!
This is me on the shoulder of Luigi. He is a statue of the REAL chef inside this casino eatin' hole. Magnificent work....even though I prefer bugs.
Well, Melissa has to go to work, and it is my job to gaurd the door while she is gone.....LOL
Have a great one folks! Can't wait to update more soon!!!
Posted Aug 27, 2008, 6:50 pm
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Mitchell South Dakota, USA - 1st October 2008
By: Puny&Bumblebee
Well, Melissa had a doctor's appointment , so I asked if I could come along. John said heck yes! We have lots to see on our way back home! I couldn't wait of course!
This is the first place we went. It is in Sioux Falls South Dakota, and it was just lovely! The water rushing and in some places trickling.....there were lots of folks taking pictures, so I guess this must be quite a place!
Very pretty, no?
The next place we visited was in Mitchell South Dakota. It is called the Corn Palace. WHAT A PLACE! Corn cobs covered a HUGE part of this palace. Here, let me show you!
See the front there? That is covered with corn! All the designs and such were created using CORN COBS!!! I was outta my mind!
This is a sculpture made by a man...completely from corn cobs! WOW! What an artist!
This is me with a man named Ole Zeke. He sure didn't move very much! Come to think of it, he didn't talk at all. Later John and Melissa explained that these were statues. hehehe. Here, I will show ya another one.
Cool huh?
Well, I guess that about covers this trip. I think it might be time for me to go back to my mentor. I sure have enjoyed it here. There have been so many fun trips and adventures....especially with Brog! LOL
Mum, I will see you soon!
Posted Oct 1, 2008, 5:46 pm
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Nebraska, USA - 29th November 2008
By: Puny&Bumblebee
Well, I think I get to stay here with puny&bumblebee for awhile longer. I hear they have a great Christmas feast and celebration. I can't wait!!!
Posted Nov 29, 2008, 8:47 am
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San Antonio,TX, USA - 20th February 2009
By: RockVixen07
My host,Ecaterina, has been busy creating clothing for side
projects she does.
I wanted to sit by and watch her. This is where she
sews her designs!
Posted Feb 20, 2009, 3:18 pm
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San Antonio,Tx, USA - 12th September 2009
By: RockVixen07
I'm back!
I have not been lost but my host wasn't able to get me out for a while and we lost her passwrd to get into the website so I can find my next host!
But I'm safe and sound with other TVs who have been here and are finding their way back home.
My host did move into another place and I'm just enjoying my time here until I leave again.
Greg =)
Posted Sep 12, 2009, 6:54 pm
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