At home, France - 20th March 2008
By: scherilyn
At the moment, I am at the home! I packed my suitcase and I wait for somebody who for invited me 
Posted Mar 20, 2008, 8:14 pm
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ready for the canada, france - 25th March 2008
By: scherilyn
My travellist for now is:
1- Abby B (vancouver-Canada)
2- Eryah (Alkmaan-Netherlands)
3- Parkdirector (Massachusetts-USA)
Posted Mar 25, 2008, 8:42 am
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Maurepas, France - 15th April 2008
By: scherilyn
Her I go! I'm ready for my trip!
Mum put me in my travel home!
A last kiss and goodbye.

Posted Apr 15, 2008, 11:51 am Last edited Apr 15, 2008, 11:52 am by scherilyn
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Maple Ridge, Canada - 23rd April 2008
By: AbbyB
Bonsoir mom! Je suis arivée en Canada. I was excited to learn that my first host speaks some French. She said that she's out of practice, and I kind of have to agree: her accent is terrible.
Abby didn't arrive home from school until late, so I had to stay in her mailbox for a few hours, but another TV, Mausi, arrived in the mailbox the same time I did, so we talked about where we were from and our travels so far until we were rescued out of the mailbox.
Upon arriving we were immediately greeted by one of Abby's cats.
But then we both felt a little tired from our travels, so we decided to hop into bed.
Then Abby's cat decided that we needed some more insulation...
That's all for tonight. I'm ready for bed. Goodnight mom :]
Posted Apr 24, 2008, 6:25 am
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Port Moody, Canada - 24th April 2008
By: AbbyB
Posted Apr 26, 2008, 9:15 pm Last edited Apr 26, 2008, 9:17 pm by AbbyB
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Port Coquitlam, Canada - 24th April 2008
By: AbbyB
After school, I went to Abby's rugby game. She had her friend take pictures, but they didn't get any with me in them.
Her team is the blue team. She's not in this picture
This is where I stayed, safe from the carnage :P

Posted Apr 26, 2008, 9:17 pm
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Port Moody, Canada - 25th April 2008
By: AbbyB
Today I voted for this year's valedictorian at Abby's school.
The person we wanted to win didn't win, but oh well, we liked all of the choices.
Afterwards, we went to Dairy Queen. I helped Abby eat the new tin roof brownie blizzard. Mmmm.

Posted Apr 26, 2008, 9:28 pm Last edited Apr 26, 2008, 9:30 pm by AbbyB
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Maple Ridge, Canada - 3rd May 2008
By: AbbyB
I don't know if you can see if very well, but there is a rainbow above my head.

Posted May 3, 2008, 8:04 am
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Maurepas, France - 3rd May 2008
By: scherilyn
Dera Dolly! I'm so glad that you have fun! Tell thank you to Abby for me.
Posted May 3, 2008, 11:37 am
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Gastown, Vancouver, Canada - 5th May 2008
By: AbbyB
Today was Abby's mom's birthday, so we surprised her with dinner. We were so busy eating that we forgot to take pictures, but Abby wandered outside after dessert to show us Gastown.
Gastown is one of the oldest parts of Vancouver. Most of it was destroyed in a fire at one point, but there are a lot of really cool old buildings around; most of them are now tourist shops.
The most famous part of Gastown is the steam clock, the only one in the world.
Up and down the street. They're giving that one building a facelift.
See all the tourist shops?
This was on the building that our restaurant was in.
Here you can see some of the mountains to the north of Vancouver. The red things in front are part of Port Vancouver, at the shipyards.
The building with the sails is called Canada Place. Under the sails are large rooms that are used for grad dinner/dances and conventions. There is a hotel attached. At night they light up the sails with coloured lights.
In the distance you can see the back of Waterfront Station, where the daily commuter train stops. I heard the front is impressive, but I didn't get to see it. Hopefully I'll be able to see it before I leave.
In the distance (sorry the picture is so dark, the sun was beginning to set), you can see Harbour Centre,. The thing that looks like a spaceship on top is a revolving restaurant, but most of the building is owned by a local university, and their communications department has classes there.
One of the nearby buildings. Abby doesn't know the history of this one, but on the bottom floor/basement there's a Mexican restaurant that sells real Mexican food.
One of the many alleys in Vancouver. Gastown is on the edge of the famous downtown East Side, which is known for its homeless and drug users, which is why we didn't go down any of these alleys. I wasn't scared while wandering around the area though, because I had my host's family protecting me :] You can see Harbour Centre again in the background.
This picture was taken in the car, which is why there is a reflection. This place is called Victory Square; Vancouver's war memorial is the big concrete block, and a ceremony is celebrated here on Remembrance Day, November 11, every year. My reflection kind of obscures the wreaths in front of the memorial, which were placed there last week to commemmorate all the work'related deaths in British Columbia in the past year.

Posted May 8, 2008, 3:48 am
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Maple Ridge, BC, Canada - 6th May 2008
By: AbbyB
Today I took a bus ride. Abby didn't have the chance to take any pictures of me on the bus,
but she snapped a few while we were waiting.
The bus loop is brand new and it was everyone's first time using it.
Across the parking lot is Maple Ridge's theatre, the ACT.

Posted May 10, 2008, 5:13 am
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