Remscheid, Germany - 16th March 2008
By: completely*pink
my name is Summy. I am a cute little ladybug. I spent a long time in my mom's room. She is plannig to spent her summer vacations in Spain, of course she could take me with her, but I decided to travel alone. Maybe I meet her in Spain?
Who is willing to host a new ToyVoyager who won't eat much? I would go everywhere in the world, but of course I would like to see countries with a lot of flowers and plant louses. In seasons without flowers and plant louses I also eat pizza, sushi or french fries. You see, I'm really frugal.
Here you can see me in my Grandma's palm tree:
And here in a spider plant:
Now I'm waiting for nice people, who want to host me.
My mum would love to host a ToyVoyager, but she's not old enough yet. In May she will be able to host a TV.
Posted Mar 16, 2008, 2:44 pm
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Remscheid, Germany - 16th March 2008
By: completely*pink
Summy already found her first hosts.
She will stay with
shana10214 USA
wmphimu - USA
Eryah - the Netherlands
Kira1997 - Australia
She will leave on March, 25th.
Posted Mar 16, 2008, 5:47 pm Last edited Mar 31, 2008, 3:33 pm by completely*pink
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Remscheid, Germany - 25th March 2008
By: completely*pink
I'm leaving today! I'll fly to Florida with Antonio, my mom's leopard. We've chosen some nice stamps. In about an hour we wil be brought to the postbox. We are looking foreward to see Florida
Good bye, mum.
Posted Mar 25, 2008, 9:03 am
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Florida, USA - 29th March 2008
By: shana10214
Hello Mum!
I have made it safely to Florida, USA. I almost melted in the Florida heat. It is 80 Degrees, but there are many plants for me to much on. Andrea says that during my visit, we will try to go to Subway. Andrea loved the stamps on the envelope.
I got out of the envelope very slowy, hugging Antonio, I was a little scared being in the new enviroment.
I also met a fellow tv who came for a visit. His name is Roderich, he is leaving in a few days. Andrea said that Lemony is on the way so we will have great fun with the fellow TVs.
I also met Andrea's dog Chloe, I think she was more interested in eating me then being friends with me
We are going to the mall now and then Andrea will show me around the house.
Bye Mum,
Posted Mar 29, 2008, 5:31 pm
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Florida, USA - 0th April 2008
By: shana10214
Here we are eating the yummy chinese leftovers.
Posted Apr 4, 2008, 1:51 am Last edited Apr 4, 2008, 1:51 am by shana10214
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Florida, USA - 3rd April 2008
By: shana10214
Today Lemony arrived. We saw a package in the mail stack and we helped Andrea open it and when we opened it, we were suprised to see a cupcake
Andrea said that this was Lemony from Canada.
We helped Lemony out of the envelope
Posted Apr 4, 2008, 1:55 am
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Florida, USA - 6th April 2008
By: shana10214
Here are the yummy buscuits!
Posted Apr 10, 2008, 9:49 pm Last edited Apr 10, 2008, 9:49 pm by shana10214
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