Dorset, England - 6th March 2008
By: Isobel&Neil
Abram is hoping to travel the world in as much luxury as possible. He is a smart dog, if a little high maintenance.
If you find him please look after him, help him travel and build up his travelog!
Posted Mar 6, 2008, 11:38 pm
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Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England - 18th September 2010
By: Isobel&Neil
Abram will be released in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne during the weekend of the Great North Run 2010.
If you have found him, please let us know by updating his travelog.
Please help him to continue his journey - take him along and do updates, or if you can't do that, pass him onto someone else.
Thank you 
Posted Sep 17, 2010, 10:29 pm
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York castle, England - 24th October 2010
By: Louisk
I found Abram in the castle looking out of the window in the tower 
Posted Oct 24, 2010, 4:14 pm
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Cannon Hall Farm, England - 18th April 2011
By: Louisk
Abram has been released on a farm with other animals.
Posted Apr 17, 2011, 9:43 am
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Conisborough Castle, Doncaster, England - 5th June 2011
By: joleigh
We found Abram in the Duke of York's private chapel in Conisbrough Castle today.
After introductions, he agreed that he would be happy to travel with us for a while and has asked that we keep his log updated.
Posted Jun 5, 2011, 6:34 pm
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