Orangevale Ca, USA - 6th March 2008
By: magickzzl
Magickzzl has FINALLY set up my travelog so I can get started on my travels! She found me not to long ago in terrible shape, and after some good cleaning Im ready to see the world!! The My Little Pony Trading Post has graciosly offered to help me get off to a great start on my journey!
Posted Mar 7, 2008, 5:07 am Last edited Mar 11, 2008, 10:50 pm by magickzzl
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Orangevale Ca, USA - 8th March 2008
By: magickzzl
Today Mom took me to Denny's with her friend Ally. We stayed all night and played Scabble and ate french fries! It was so much fun!
I dont think Mom and Ally know how to play scrabble though...
Posted Mar 20, 2008, 4:46 am
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Citrus Heights, Ca, USA - 20th March 2008
By: magickzzl
We were so busy today! We played at moms pasture with the animals and then we ate food and then we played at the carnival, then we ate more food, it was so much fun! Im still full of sugar! I shared a cinnabon with the toyvoyager Snuggles! He's really nice.
Posted Mar 22, 2008, 8:09 pm
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Pinole, Ca , USA - 22nd March 2008
By: magickzzl
For the Easter holiday we visited mom's Aunts and family in the Bay Area! They live right by the San Fransisco bay and its beautiful. We stoped at the Carquinez Bridge to get pictures as a HUGE boat sailed bye, then we went to Pinole where Izzy's family lives.
Posted Mar 29, 2008, 4:29 am
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Point Isabel, Ca , USA - 23rd March 2008
By: magickzzl
Today we celebrated easter by dyeing eggs and eating candy. it was wonderful. Later we went out to Point Isabel, where we had a great veiw of the Golden Gate Bridge, and the City of San Fransisco! after a while though we headed home, and passed the C and H Sugar Factory!
Posted Mar 29, 2008, 4:37 am
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San Fransisco, Ca, USA - 30th March 2008
By: magickzzl
Mom decided to take all of us Voyagers down to San Fransisco yesterday for a day trip. It was so much fun! We went to an art school, then headed down to the piers and ended up at the famouse Pier 39. We saw California Sea Lions, Gulls, Alkatraz, the Golden gate and bay bridges, and so many people! We passed a huge fountain and got our pictures with it, and some funny sculptures that I and the other voyagers all climbed on. We also got to play on a pony hedge! Yay for Ponies!
Posted Mar 31, 2008, 4:49 am
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Orangevale, Ca, USA - 2nd April 2008
By: magickzzl
Im Finally off to my first host in canada! Hello Pony Club, here I come!
But first i bid a sad farewell to my new friends. I will be back guys! And I'll have made even more friends along the way!
Posted Apr 2, 2008, 5:50 pm
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Cambridge Ontario, Canada - 17th July 2008
By: magickzzl
I arrived in the middle of Nightmare's inventory. The scariest Gusty I've ever seen greeted me and took me to a shelf that I would be safe from the organizing. This apartment is a mess.
This place is kinda crazy. Nightmare is working on making leather armour, I think it looks more like a costume some bush would wear. She let me help with the leather bits, it was a lot of fun.
I got to go to her weird game this weekend. There wasn't tons of time to take pictures, everybody there was doing stuff non stop. Running around in elf ears, and horns, and with makeup on and in weird looking costumes. Some of teh people laughed when they saw me, so I decided to stay hidden most of the time so that the boys wouldn't be mean and throw me in the pond like they said they would. But we got some pretty pictures of me in the trees with magic spell packets.
There's really nothing to explore in Cambridge. It's a pretty boring place. But I traveled around in her purse a bit and went to interviews with her and her resume.
I went to a renasance fair with Nightmare and her mother to go look at a gypsy wagon they built for one of the vendors, but when they went to take a picture of me and the wagon the camera batteries died. I got to see jousting though, it was so neat. The horses were awesome. When we got home Nightmare took a picture of me with the piece of lance she got there.
I was there when she got hired and had to go buy steel toed work boots. She bought PINK ones. So pony-ish.
I got shipped off, but then ended up back with Nightmare because of a shipping error on the packaging. I was supposed to get sent back out again within the week but bad stuff happened and Nightmare wasn't home for a while. She's finally home now though and is getting me ready for updating and going out again. I hope I have a fast trip this time
By. BabyNightmare of the MLPTP
Posted Aug 22, 2008, 12:31 am
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