postoffice Meissen, Germany - 19th February 2008
By: CathyB
Wow, that's gone fast. Yesterday I get registered and today I'm on the way to my very first travel adventure. My Mom told me, I have to hide in a small envelope, that would be cheaper for me then booking a plane ticket. She has ideas!! She will never know how it feels, to get a post stamp on her ass. So, anyway, I'm on the way to The Netherlands now and I hope, finally to come out of this envelope again. It really sucks. But someone told me, it won't be the last time for me. Unfortunately, I feel so alone. Hello?? Is there anybody out here????? Heeeeelllppp!!!!
Posted Feb 19, 2008, 11:16 am
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Alkmaar, the Netherlands - 22nd February 2008
By: Eryah
Hi Mom!
Yesterday in the evening i arrived in Alkmaar. They thought i was scared to come out of the envelope but it sucks in there so i jumped out of it.
Later on i show you pictures of my arrival.
Bye bye!
Posted Feb 22, 2008, 1:03 pm Last edited Feb 23, 2008, 10:00 am by Eryah
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Alkmaar, the Netherlands - 24th February 2008
By: Eryah
Posted Feb 24, 2008, 1:06 pm Last edited Feb 24, 2008, 5:06 pm by Eryah
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Alkmaar, the Netherlands - 24th February 2008
By: Eryah
Posted Feb 24, 2008, 5:15 pm Last edited Feb 24, 2008, 5:26 pm by Eryah
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Alkmaar, the Netherlands - 7th March 2008
By: Eryah
Today we went to the dunes of Petten.
You have an area there were you can walk and enjoy the nature out there.
There is also a nuclear facility in Petten. It is meant for research and doesn't give electricity. But we only see the facility from a distance.
We take Dharma with us and today was the first day we try to let him walk on a leading string. It was great because he immediately start walking with us and you can see he enjoyed it to walk for himself instead of being carried around.
In the end we watched the vieuw from the dunes. You can see a lot from up there. They have a lot of fields full with flower bulbs. Eva told us that in the spring you can see a lot of flowers and it's an explosion off colours.
Unfortunately it start raining again so we went home but it was a great day!
Big hugs Theo and Eva
Posted Mar 7, 2008, 6:43 pm
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Postoffice Alkmaar, the Netherlands - 8th March 2008
By: Eryah
This can't be true!!!!!!!!!
I have to go in that terrible envelope again. Can't there be an other way to travel from host to host???
I hope this time it's gonna be better than the last time. I'm still having a trauma because of it. But it's time for me to go to the next host. Eva promised to sent me around this time to the next host and today she had time to do it.
We said goodbye for a long time and cried a lot. I'm gonna miss this family a lot because they ar all very sweet and Eva told me she talks a lot with you so when i'm home after my trail i wanna speak to Eva too on msn
We also put my gifts to you in an envelope so keep watching your door because you never know when my gifts arrived
Hope to speak you soon mom on this travellog.
Bye bye!! Here i go again!!
Big hugs from a traumaticed Theo
Posted Mar 8, 2008, 1:53 pm
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München, Germany - 13th March 2008
By: Pandamao
Phew, out of the envelope again
Mom, I have arrived safely in Munich! Will update later when I have recovered from the trip.
Posted Mar 13, 2008, 9:14 pm Last edited Mar 13, 2008, 9:15 pm by Pandamao
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