England, United Kingdom - 18th February 2008
By: Osphie
Chocolate Chimp has achieved one life mission in Florida, where he also had some fun adventures with Marcello. We are all so sad to have heard about Marcello's ostrich experience.
If you would like to host Chocolate Chimp, please
- send a PM with your address to the last person on the itinerary
- send a PM to mentor Osphie so his itinerary may be updated
Safe travelling!
1. Florida Shana10214 visited and achieved Life Mission
2. Indianapolis Heyknithappens arrived!
3. Netherlands Eryah
Posted Feb 18, 2008, 10:39 am Last edited Mar 24, 2008, 3:58 pm by Osphie
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Odessa, Florida, USA - 19th February 2008
By: Osphie
Hi I'm Chocolate Chimp,
My big brown eyes can't wait to explore the world. I'm excited about my visit to Florida I hope I see some interesting things!
Back in England the weather isn't to bad but it could do better.
Posted Feb 19, 2008, 7:03 pm Last edited Mar 18, 2008, 10:13 pm by Osphie
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FLORIDA, USA - 28th February 2008
By: shana10214
Guess where I am? Florida! How did you know? I was just brought in from the mailbox. I was kinda hot in there but not as hot as I thought I would be. I was set out on the desk and Andrea didnt have to work hard to open my travel envelope because I nearly jumped out at her, I think I have very a heart attack!!!!!
But she is OK! I was greeted by her and her doggy named Chloe. Andrea said it is a little cooler then usual today because a cold front from Canada as come. It will clear tommorrow I was told. I am very tired. I think I will go rest now. After I will take some pictures outside/around the house. Mission complete!
Chocolate Chimp
Posted Feb 29, 2008, 10:42 pm
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Florida, USA - 28th February 2008
By: shana10214
I am now rested up from the ling journey from Home to the USA! Did you know today is a leap year? Andrea told me that the world takes 356 days AND 6 hours to go make a full cycle around(creating seasons/a year), so every four years the day comes when the 6 hours times 4= a full day. It happens once every 4 years. Interesting? Atleast I learned something today
We went out to dinner at a mediteranian resturant called Aphrodites. It is named after the Godess. We had a yumym desert called Baklava.
The first picture is me picking out of Andrea's travelbag. It is a popular bag that most American girls have. She uses it to carry her TVs in. The secound picture is me with the desert.
Chocolate Chimp
Posted Mar 1, 2008, 2:05 am Last edited Mar 7, 2008, 3:01 am by shana10214
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Florida, USA - 28th February 2008
By: shana10214
I as I opened up the envelope I found a fellow TV close by. Her name is Resi and she is from Austria. She told me all about toyvoyagers and everything I need to know.
Posted Mar 1, 2008, 2:25 am
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Florida, USA - 28th February 2008
By: shana10214
Its me again of course. Andrea just told me that tommorrow we will be visiting the Renisance festival. It is about a time period a long time ago. People dress up but not Andrea. I am sure it will be lots of fun and there will be plenty of great photo chances
Chocolate Chimp
Posted Mar 1, 2008, 2:28 am Last edited Mar 6, 2008, 10:34 pm by shana10214
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Florida, USA - 29th February 2008
By: shana10214
I visited the renisance festival and it was so much fun! There was great food/entertainment. There were many people dressed in wierd oufits though. Hehehe. That food is called a Spanikopita. It is a greek spinach pastry. Yummy!
Posted Mar 7, 2008, 3:06 am
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Florida, USA - 5th March 2008
By: shana10214
Today a fellow toyvoyager arrived to visit. Her name is Marcello and she is from Australia. We helped her cclimb out of the box
Posted Mar 7, 2008, 3:08 am
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Florida, USA - 10th March 2008
By: shana10214
Today a fellow toyvoyager arrived from Finland. Her name is Muumipeikko.
Here is a picture of the 4 of us.
Chocolate Chimp
Posted Mar 10, 2008, 6:40 pm
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Florida, USA - 12th March 2008
By: shana10214
Andrea said that we should take some group photos on the patio.
Here is my friends and I in front of the pool. We all wanted to go swimming but Andrea said it is way to cool.
We decided we would rather just relax on the chair.
Bye for now,
Chocolate Chimp
Posted Mar 12, 2008, 10:34 pm
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Florida, USA - 14th March 2008
By: shana10214
Guess what?? Andrea told me that today we are going to have a sleepover at buggy4526's house. It will be lots of fun!! I will get to meet Lamby, the toy that buggy4526 is hosting. Andrea said that Éireannach, Alfonz, and Watson have all visited her house. We are going to have a TV sleepover!! Yay!
Im really excited, will update later
Chocolate Chimp
Posted Mar 14, 2008, 3:24 pm
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Buggy4526's House, Florida - 14th March 2008
By: shana10214
We are having a great time!! I was asked what we wanted to do first and of course Marcello said .We ate a yummy dinner of Spinach/cheese Ravioli, Garlic bread, and Marinara pasta with cheese on the side.
Now we are going to have some fun.
Will update soon,
Chocolate Chimp
Posted Mar 15, 2008, 2:33 am
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Buggy4526's House, Florida - 14th March 2008
By: shana10214
Now it is time for desert!!
We had chocolate milkshakes, oreos, and milk. After all, Oreos is Milk's fave cookie.
Yum, now I am finally full. Now time for some games!!
Chocolate Chimp[size]
Posted Mar 15, 2008, 3:00 am
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