Bruchsal, Germany - 3rd February 2008
By: fam-united
Mister Snow's travel plan:
Missslady in Springfield, VA, USA
Posted Feb 16, 2008, 7:22 am
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Bruchsal, Germany - 4th February 2008
By: fam-united
Today evening we will go to a family carnival celebration. First we helped to prepare a carrot salad. It was a bit difficult to cut the carrots, because Hoppity had been very, very hungry.
My friends - the toyvoyagers Yuri Gagarin, Ollie Marmot and Chocolate Moose - ran to me and told me to hurry and come and help them to get Hoppity away from the carrots. And whether you believe it or not, Hoppity only saw me standing there and jumped down next to me. Hoppity is so sweet. She told me, that we can meet again, if I will be a toyvoyager too and after some days of thinking over it, I decided, that it is a very good idea. So here you see my first seconds on a photo with our toyvoyager guests.
I decided to join my friends on that carnival celebration.
In the evening we danced a little and once I jumped into the photo, so you can see, that I had been with them. It was too dark to find me on the other photos. And yes, you see me with some "Berliner", that they like to eat on carnival.
Posted Feb 7, 2008, 12:53 pm
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Göppingen, Germany - 5th February 2008
By: fam-united
Today we were in the Maerklin railway museum in Göppingen. My hosts are big fans of toy-trains and since a long time they wanted to go to this museum together. They asked us, whether we would like to join them and we all wanted to go there, of course.
So we got ready with breakfast and jumped into the big rucksack, that Petra always carries around. Happily we were allowed to crawl out of it soon. Sabrina played with us during the drive.
While we were in the museum, we saw many toy trails and other things, that were created by Maerklin.
On our drive home Petra took some more photos with us. You see a photo of the big road works and some other impressions of our drive. The bridge, that you see over the autobahn, is a parkhouse, which is next to the airport of Stuttgart in Leinfelden.
Posted Feb 7, 2008, 12:57 pm
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Frankfurt a.M., Germany - 10th February 2008
By: fam-united
Today is my last day with my family in Bruchsal. Because we still had beautiful weather and Petra felt much better again, we decided to make a trip to Frankfurt a.M., which is about one hour away from Bruchsal.
At first we thought, that we could visit the zoo, but then we decided to visit the airport. Everyone was really excited, but unhappily we had no chance to join the family while the had a bus sightseeing tour there.
Hasi, Sabrina's own toyvoyager, took some photos for me, so I hadn't been to sad, that I had to wait in the rucksack in a bus on the parking place.
Now I know, that Frankfurt a.M. has the third biggest airport in Europe after London and Paris. Nearly 70 000 people work at this airport. Due to more than 51 Mio passengers, nearly 480 000 flights and 1.75 mio tons of air cargo this airport belongs to the biggest international airports.
I feel so so excited after I saw so many airplanes. I will fly to the USA soon and I can't tell you, how nervous I am.
Posted Feb 10, 2008, 6:32 pm
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resting place, Germany - 10th February 2008
By: fam-united
We all were hungry and of course we toyvoyagers wanted to talk about that airport, because Hasi and I had been allowed to go into the visitor bus. So we had a rest at a resting place of the freeway.
Posted Feb 10, 2008, 6:40 pm
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Darmstadt, Germany - 10th February 2008
By: fam-united
Petra told us, that there is a house created by Friedensreich Hundertwasser in Darmstadt. We still had some time, so we drove there and found this house. I just can tell you, that it is very very beautiful and interesting.
It is called "Waldspirale", what means something like wood spiral. It was created between 1998 and 2000 and seems to be like a fairy-tale castle. No window is like the other.
It has space for 105 appartments.
There are lime trees, beeches and maple trees on top of the roof. A playground and a similated river are part of the garden in the inner part of the spiral. In the tower on the southeast corner is a restaurant with cocktailbar and in the opposite tower a café.
Sadly Hundertwasser died in February 2000 short before the building was completed.
Posted Feb 10, 2008, 7:57 pm
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Bruchsal, Germany - 11th February 2008
By: fam-united
Goodbye, little Mister Snow.
We are sure, you will have a wonderful time with your first host missslady in Springfield, VA.
Posted Feb 11, 2008, 7:29 pm
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Springfield, VA, USA - 19th February 2008
By: missslady
Mister Snow has made it safely to Springfield, VA. What a long journey. Let's see, we're not sure what's going on this weekend. Hopefully something fun!
Photo: Mister Snow at the post office
Posted Feb 22, 2008, 2:39 am Last edited Feb 22, 2008, 2:40 am by missslady
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Fairfax, VA, USA - 25th March 2008
By: missslady
It has been fun hosting Mister Snow. Last night Joey (aka the dog) and I handed Mister Snow over to * wmphimu *.
Posted Mar 25, 2008, 5:26 pm
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Fairfax, Virginia, United States - 25th March 2008
By: wmphimu
Hello from Fairfax Virginia! I arrived last night, and was welcomed by all of the other Toy Voyagers. After a well deserved nap (traveling wears me out!) I woke up today to a sunny day and new friends! Here we all are sitting in the sun and watching the birds out the window!

Posted Mar 25, 2008, 10:02 pm
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Fairfax Station, VA, United States - 26th April 2008
By: wmphimu
Posted Apr 26, 2008, 9:09 pm Last edited Apr 26, 2008, 9:20 pm by wmphimu
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