somewhere, Travelling - 5th February 2008
By: magicwoman
Yea,finally i've found a country were I can see other cultures,i'm so glad and happy.I'm going toooooooo:NEW YORK!!! and then to Australia
My travellist for so far
-Michelle One L (new York,U.S.A.)
-Miss Nadine (Russia)
-Olgamaus (Germany)
-Drakie (UK)
-2012 (finland)
Posted Feb 5, 2008, 5:30 pm Last edited May 13, 2008, 8:49 am by magicwoman
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Somewhere, Travelling - 8th February 2008
By: magicwoman
Today my big trip is gonna begin
I'm going to NY,At the moment i'm somewhere I think on a plane or something dont know
More travel news soon! When i'm in New York
Posted Feb 8, 2008, 3:49 pm Last edited Feb 8, 2008, 3:49 pm by magicwoman
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Rome, NY, USA - 19th February 2008
By: Michele_one_L
Hello Mom! I arrived in New York this morning. It was a long trip but I am safe. It is very cold here today, I'm happy that my host was home when the postman dropped me off. I'll update with some photos later. I'm off to take a nap!
Posted Feb 19, 2008, 5:31 pm
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Rome, NY , USA - 19th February 2008
By: Michele_one_L
Here are my pictures when I arrived to my new hosts house. I heard some voices while trying to get out of my envelope. I couldn't imagine who would be waiting for me. It turned out to be Coop, Coco, Nicki Bear and Honey Bear. I was surprised to find out that they are all bears! I thought this might be interesting, I wonder if Michele knows how to take care of TV's that aren't bears. I guess we will find out! Once I freed myself from my envelope we all sat together and introduced our selfs. Michele asked us to come together for a group shot, she said say "Cheese!"
Posted Feb 20, 2008, 5:18 pm
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Rome, NY , USA - 20th February 2008
By: Michele_one_L
Today Nicki Bear was leaving for her next host's house. I didn't get to know her very well but she was very nice to me. I wished her well on her journey and said that we may meet again someday.
Good Luck Nicki Bear!
Posted Feb 20, 2008, 5:31 pm
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Rome, NY , USA - 21st February 2008
By: Michele_one_L
Last night we got to see something rather amazing! I still can't believe what it was. During the day Michele told us that there was going to be a Lunar Eclipse. She said that we had to see it as there wasn't going to be another one until 2010. We didn't know what an eclipse was but Michele explained it to us. At around 10pm we went outside to see the eclipse. It was too cold for us to be out there so Michele said that she would try and take pictures for us. They are a little hard to see but it really cool.
Posted Feb 26, 2008, 11:14 pm Last edited Feb 26, 2008, 11:15 pm by Michele_one_L
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Rome, NY , USA - 24th February 2008
By: Michele_one_L
Last night we were bored, so Michele asked if we wanted to read some books. I told her that we are still learning to read and speak English and that I don't know if we could read the books. She said that it was okay if we couldn't read English as these books had great pictures in them. I don't know......She brought back 3 books from her spare room. Humm....they had interesting covers. We each picked a book that we wanted to read.
Posted Feb 26, 2008, 11:39 pm
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Rome, NY , USA - 24th February 2008
By: Michele_one_L
Coop decided that he wanted someone else to read to him, so he went and sat with Coco. I saw that they were reading a book with monsters in it. I had a thought....... I wonder if I can scare them. I saw a small monster on the night table and went to get it. I put it on my hand and hid behind the book. I yelled Rrroarrrr while waving the monster next to the book. No one screamed or yelled! Coco said "Angus we know its you, you can come out now!" Darn my plan failed! I showed Coop and Coco the monster, they laughed at me and said "good try."
Posted Feb 26, 2008, 11:51 pm
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Rome, NY , USA - 24th February 2008
By: Michele_one_L
After all of our joking around Honey Bear asked if we wanted to have a sleep over. We all said sure and settled in for the evening. Michele tucked us in and told us to go to bed.
Posted Feb 27, 2008, 12:02 am
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Hiding...Can you find me?, USA - 25th February 2008
By: Michele_one_L
I was bored today so I thought that I would wonder around and see what I can find. I'm sure that there was something I could climb on. Aha....a fire place with a mantle! I climbed up there and as I was exploring I heard Michele calling my name. Oh no I have to hide.....Do you think Michele will find me here?
Posted Feb 27, 2008, 12:12 am
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Rome, NY , USA - 28th February 2008
By: Michele_one_L
Today we helped Honey Bear look for a tea set for his Teddy Bear party. He has been begging his mom to let him have one and she finally said yes. Since we couldn't leave the house we decided to look on Ebay. Well Honey Bear did most of the looking, we (Coop, Coco and I) were just there for the entertainment. Every once in awhile Honey Bear asked us what we thought. He was quite the computer hog. Michele told him that she wasn't going to buy the first set that he found. She said that we need to compare prices and find one in her budget.
Posted Mar 8, 2008, 1:11 am
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Rome, NY , USA - 29th February 2008
By: Michele_one_L
We woke up this morning hoping to go outside and do some exploring, sadly that wasn't possible. We (Coco, Coop and I) all gathered at the window to see what type of day it was and we were sad to see that it was snowing. We didn't know what we were going to do. Michele said she had some cleaning to do and that we could help but we didn't want to. So we decided to take a nap and see how the weather was a little later.
Posted Mar 3, 2008, 5:33 am
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Rome, NY , USA - 29th February 2008
By: Michele_one_L
We woke up from our nap and were hungry. Michele said that it was lunch time, so we went into the kitchen to help make some lunch. Michele said that we were having pasta, yumm....While the pasta was cooking she gave us some pretzels to eat. I decided that I would find the right one for each of us. Eating pretzels can make you thirsty so we shared some juice. Our lunch was ready and I could wait to eat.
Posted Mar 3, 2008, 5:41 am
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Rome, NY , USA - 1st March 2008
By: Michele_one_L
Tonight Michele told Honey Bear that he could order the tea set for his party. He was so excited! We asked if there was anything we could do to help. Honey Bear asked Coco to make a list of the things he will need for the party. And Coop and I were supposed to read the numbers off of Michele's debit card to him. Our job was harder than you might think! That debit card looks like it has been used a lot. I guess Michele likes to shop.
Posted Mar 8, 2008, 1:27 am
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