Sydney, Australia - 17th February 2008
By: becka_kate
As Alby prepares to travel the world, he's not quite sure where he wants to be released. He knows he wants to return to his natural habitat (which is quite a large area really - he's checked on Wikipedia!). Right now, he's leaning towards Canada but we'll let you know when he decides to take off, probably in March 2008.
Posted Feb 17, 2008, 6:48 am Last edited Mar 4, 2008, 6:12 am by becka_kate
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Montreal, Canada - 1st April 2008
By: becka_kate
Alby so enjoyed his time in Montreal, he's decided to stay. When it was time to leave the hostel, he decided not to get in the bus, but stay in the games room and hope someone decides to show him more of the city.
Good luck Alby!
Posted Apr 8, 2008, 4:53 pm
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