Sumaré , Brazil - 14th February 2008
By: Jessicamarques
I'm Lumi, one small bear... I'd like to visit some countries, so my mom decided find a host for me... I'm small and not heavy....
My hosts:
1º - swiss_sunshine - Switzerland
2º - Eryah - the Netherlands
3º - neetje - the Netherlands
4º - Delenna - Finland
5º - olgamaus - Germany
6º - buggy4526 - USA - Florida
7º - philo - China
8º -
Look at me...

Posted Feb 14, 2008, 6:42 pm Last edited May 22, 2008, 2:38 am by Jessicamarques
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Leaving home, Brazil - 6th March 2008
By: Jessicamarques
Today I'm going to travel!!! I said goodbye to my friends.. I will miss they a lot...
bye bye mom!!! Don't care about me ... I'll be fine!
my friends..

Posted Mar 6, 2008, 10:03 pm Last edited May 22, 2008, 2:39 am by Jessicamarques
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Fribourg, Switzerland - 25th March 2008
By: swiss_sunshine
Finally I'm in Switzerland! I'm lucky for two reasons: first it's been snowing so I'll see the snow!! Secondly Sunshine's going to spend 4 days in England in April and she'll take me in her suitcase. Am I not lucky??! 
Posted Mar 25, 2008, 8:04 pm Last edited Mar 25, 2008, 8:05 pm by swiss_sunshine
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Fribourg, Switzerland - 27th March 2008
By: swiss_sunshine
When I arrived, I met Bestik. We didn't spend much time together but he told me that Sunshine is a really nice host!!
Posted Apr 10, 2008, 12:00 pm
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Fribourg, Switzerland - 10th April 2008
By: swiss_sunshine
Sunshine is a member of Postcrossing and yesterday we wrote some cards that'll will be sent to Japan, China and USA! She usually send postcard with view of Fribourg like here the cathedral St-Nicolas.
Posted Apr 10, 2008, 12:02 pm Last edited Apr 10, 2008, 12:03 pm by swiss_sunshine
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Fribourg, Switzerland - 10th April 2008
By: swiss_sunshine
Switzerland is famous for the delicious chocolate with milk! I had the opportunity to taste some and it's really goood! But Sunshine told me that there are a lot of better chocolate like for instance chocolate with nuts, with youghout, with Nutella, with nuts & raisins.......... I'm looking forward to tasting all these.
Posted Apr 10, 2008, 12:10 pm
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Fribourg, Switzerland - 10th April 2008
By: swiss_sunshine
And now one of my missions has been successfully fulfilled: I've seen SNOW!! It snowed during the night of Sunday to Monday and by the time I went out, it turned to be more icy snow... but still, it was white and cold! I'm happy and I hope I'll see more once and even snow on a mountain. That would be awesome.
Tomorrow we're going to England. I can't wait meeting Harry and drinking tea.
Posted Apr 10, 2008, 12:15 pm
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On a plane, England - 11th April 2008
By: swiss_sunshine
Last week-end I went to England. It was the second time I took a plane but this time, I was not in an envelope and I could see through the window!
Posted Apr 16, 2008, 2:57 pm
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Ipswich, England - 11th April 2008
By: swiss_sunshine
After the plane, the but and the train, I arrived in Ipswich (Suffolk). It's a little town but I liked it! Here is the museum and the famous british mailbox.
Posted Apr 16, 2008, 3:01 pm
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Cambridge, England - 12th April 2008
By: swiss_sunshine
On the following day we went to Cambridge, the famous town with the universities! First we had a coffee at Starbucks. There's no Starbucks in Sunshie's town. Then we walked in the town and visited some college. We had a nice day!
Posted Apr 16, 2008, 3:04 pm
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London, England - 14th April 2008
By: swiss_sunshine
On Sunday we left Ipswich and Cambridge to reach London! We went to a flea market in Cambden, then we visted St-Paul Cathedral. On the evening, we went to a pub.
Posted Apr 16, 2008, 3:07 pm
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London, England - 14th April 2008
By: swiss_sunshine
After one night in a cheap host, for our last day in the english capital, we went to the National Gallery, which is on Trafalgar Square. To take the train to go to the aiport, we went to King's Cross. Do you know this station and the platform 9 3/4? Yes, from this platform you can go the Hogwarts and meet Harry Potter!
Posted Apr 16, 2008, 3:11 pm
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Fribourg, Switzerland - 16th April 2008
By: swiss_sunshine
Now I'm back in Fribourg. This afternoon, I've visited some monuments here. As it's a small town of only 35,000 inhabitants, it was a quick tour but very interesting! And on Friday, I'll go to Lausanne, another town in Switzerland, near the Lake Geneva.
Posted Apr 16, 2008, 3:14 pm Last edited Apr 16, 2008, 3:18 pm by swiss_sunshine
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Fribourg, Switzerland - 18th April 2008
By: swiss_sunshine
Here are the pictures of Fribourg! We saw first the cathedral Saint-Nicolas, then the tower of this cathedral and the one of the City Hall. Then we had a beautiful view on the old part of Fribourg, that is the nicest part too according to Sunshine!
Posted Apr 22, 2008, 7:19 pm Last edited Apr 22, 2008, 7:21 pm by swiss_sunshine
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Lausanne, Switzerland - 22nd April 2008
By: swiss_sunshine
And now Lausanne... Sunshine had to go there to consult some books about the cathedral of Lausanne. Sunshine is studying art history and has to prepare a presentation about this cathedral. Lausanne is about 70 km far from Fribourg.
Here it's me and the "beffroi", a tower of the cathedral.
Posted Apr 22, 2008, 7:25 pm
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