Buenos Aires, Argentina - 8th January 2008
By: guimartins
Hi, my name is Hueso. Who want to take care of me?
Posted Jan 8, 2008, 6:40 pm Last edited Jan 8, 2008, 6:50 pm by guimartins
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Kitchener, Ontario, Canada - 30th January 2008
By: starbursidereus
We had to stay at my host mom's house today to work. The weather was pretty bad yesterday (lots of car accidents) so our host mom didn't want to risk it.
She gave us some jobs to do, and I got the most!
First, I had to do some typing:
and then some clicking:
And then she showed me the webcam that she uses to talk to friends sometimes! We might make a video with the other Toys that are here!!

Posted Jan 31, 2008, 5:47 pm
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Kitchener, Ontario, Canada - 12th February 2008
By: starbursidereus
It has been awhile since my last post!
Well we haven't been too busy but there has been so much snow here that my host mom has had to keep shovelling. It's a lot of work!
Here I am outside in the snow!
My host mom let me play on her Nintendo Wii yesterday! I couldn't reach all the buttons to play but it was fun to watch!
This coming weekend we're going on a road trip to Michigan! I'm really excited about it! We're going to see lots of different sites!
Posted Feb 12, 2008, 3:12 am
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en route, Canada to Germany - 2nd April 2008
By: starbursidereus
I have left Canada and I'm on my way to Germany! Here I am getting ready to go....
I've had a great time with my host mom!

Posted Apr 2, 2008, 3:21 pm
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Essen, Germany - 24th May 2008
By: BlackCat
Hello everybody,
I arrived safety in Germany today. It was such a long journey, I already thought I was lost on my way, but today I arrived here !
I will update some photos of me and the TV's I have met here already, later. Now I have to eat something and maybe I will go around for a long time...don't move your feets for more than 1 month is really bad !
So, see you again, later,
Posted May 24, 2008, 12:10 pm
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