Graz, Austria - 5th January 2008
By: chrissini
hello everybody!!!
my name is oskar, i'm a little sheep from austria and i would like to travel around the world! i have never been to any foreign country, so i want to see as many as possible
at the moment i am staying with my mother in graz, in the beautiful province styria, but maybe i'm soon staying with you??? =)
i would be so happy if many people wpuld host me, i'm really excited to get to know each one of you!
Posted Jan 5, 2008, 4:49 pm Last edited Jan 5, 2008, 4:53 pm by chrissini
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Graz, Austria - 8th January 2008
By: chrissini
today i played "encryption" with my owner...she didn't found out my hideout for aaaaages *g*
i think she has to accustom to the fact that i won't be here for a long time soon.
Posted Jan 8, 2008, 9:56 am Last edited Jan 8, 2008, 9:58 am by chrissini
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Graz, Austria - 8th January 2008
By: chrissini
i have just made a little travel diary for myself. i'm very much looking forward to my experiences and i want something i can show to everybody afterwards
my mother helped me to design the diary. i hope you all will also like it, i do very much!!
chrissi also told me today, that my first destination will be canada. i will stay there with a nice lady called lisa
i'll leave my home tomorrow... oh i'm so excited...
Posted Jan 8, 2008, 3:47 pm Last edited Jan 8, 2008, 3:48 pm by chrissini
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Graz, Austria - 9th January 2008
By: chrissini
oskar is now ON HIS WAY TO CANADA.
i hope he will arrive soon and his hostess will like him =)
saying goodbye wasn't easy, everybody suffered a bit.
here is a picture of him and his brother, playing together for the last time...
Posted Jan 9, 2008, 11:53 am
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Kitchener, Ontario, Canada - 26th January 2008
By: starbursidereus
Well today was great! My host bought McDonald's for dinner and it was great! Don't worry we don't eat there all the time but it was a treat!
We visited with her mum & dad, and they have cats there - but the one I met (Spy) was very friendly and let me snuggle up for awhile!
Posted Jan 30, 2008, 5:21 pm
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Kitchener, Ontario, Canada - 30th January 2008
By: starbursidereus
Well my host mom had to stay home to work today. The weather was pretty bad outside, so we helped her get her work done!
I was in charge of keeping everyone on task! Here I am going through the planner and marking down things we need to do:
The weekend is coming and will be more exciting. Bye for now! 
Posted Jan 31, 2008, 5:52 pm
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Kitchener, Ontario, Canada - 12th February 2008
By: starbursidereus
It has been way too long since my last post!
There has been a lot of snow falling here so that has kept my host mom really busy!
Here is what' we've been up to over the last two weeks:
We had a party and ordered PIZZA!
I went outside to play in some of the snow! (there is always more and more everyday)
And my host mom let me play Wii!! It was lots of fun. I couldn't really play but I tried to. It's a lot of work! Here I am watching:
This weekend we're going on a road trip and that will be so much fun! I'll write again soon!!
Posted Feb 12, 2008, 3:17 am Last edited Mar 5, 2008, 2:25 pm by starbursidereus
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en route to, Chile - 10th April 2008
By: starbursidereus
I have now left my host mom in Canada and I'm on my way to Chile!
I asked my host mom to update my travelog while I was en route because there were still photos she forgot to add! Here I am getting ready to leave:
Posted Apr 16, 2008, 2:17 pm
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Antofagasta, Chile - 6th May 2008
By: Seymour
Whoooo, I'm finally in Chile!
It was great to leave that envelope and see for the first time the great city of Antofagasta, in northern Chile
I'm very tired now, I'll have tea with my new host and then I'll go to sleep. I already have my own space at The Shelf, next to the other "up shelfians" (inhabitants of the Up Shelf)
Here I am with my new friends:
Ziggy D Piggy, Juanito, Gypsy, Herbert, me, Kafka, Madonna, Gary and a "cholito"
They're all very cool there so I'm very happy where I'm staying
Posted May 15, 2008, 12:24 am
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