Moscow, Russia - 25th September 2007
By: kristl
Hurray! I'm finally here! I've finally become a ToyVoyager!! And now I can go to the Helloween Party to Holiday Harry and BunTraveler!!!
I just can't keep waiting!!!
Posted Sep 25, 2007, 5:48 pm
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Moscow, Russia - 6th October 2007
By: kristl
It's Kristl here. I took Babyloonie to the postoffce today and she's on her way to the party.. Hope her trip won't be long!!
Posted Oct 6, 2007, 7:47 pm
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California, USA - 9th November 2007
By: Violette28
Hello everyone! Babylonie arrived here in Santa Rosa, CA this afternoon. Everyone here was excited at her arrival. 
Posted Nov 9, 2007, 5:58 am
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rotterdam, the netherlands - 6th March 2008
By: goofychicken
i finaly arived at my new host goofychicken!
i do not have a TV code with me so if my host could get that to register me id be very happy
soon there will be some pictures but my host is a bit flue-ish so she is taking it very slow
more updates soon!!!
Posted Mar 6, 2008, 12:23 pm
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rotterdam, the netherlands - 2nd April 2008
By: goofychicken
today we went to the zoo
but it rained so much my host told us we would go again next week to make pictures
but a new TV arived while we where in the zoo so we took a picture with all stuffed toys on the chair

Posted Apr 2, 2008, 3:59 pm
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rotterdam, the netherlands - 22nd April 2008
By: goofychicken
sorry for not checking in so often! but ive been helping my host alot lately
will show pictures and tell what ive been up to soon!!!
dont worry im still doing fine and having fun!!
Posted Apr 22, 2008, 3:06 pm
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Plymouth, UK - 12th May 2008
By: IttyBittyKitty
Hi mum, I arrived safe and sound even though the postman ripped the lovely paper my box was wrapped in. It's been really sunny here and Kitty has promised we can have lots of fun sunbathing while it's sunny and then who knows!!! I can't wait. (pics will follow soon)
Posted May 14, 2008, 9:00 pm
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Plymouth, UK - 25th May 2008
By: IttyBittyKitty
Hello mum, I had a lovely time at the beach with Kitty and her family but there was no sand only pebbles!! We had a lovely picnic and played games on the beach. I even saw a tiny crab in a rock pool Before we came home we all had icecream mmmmm it was really cold and tasty,but mine kept melting hahaha Sadly there are no pics as Kitty forgot the camera
(sorry i took it out of my bag to put new batteries in and forgot to put it back lol )
Posted May 25, 2008, 1:19 am
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