Grand Junction, Colorado, USA - 5th September 2008
By: wourpet
Hi Mom, I have arrived and my host seems to be very bust but she said if I stay out of the way she will get done as fast as she can and will be able to take me out to see some sights in Colorado.
I found a very nice spot on top of the desk where i can watch her working without getting in her way.

Posted Sep 22, 2008, 5:27 am
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Grand Junction, Colorado, USA - 21st September 2008
By: wourpet
Posted Sep 22, 2008, 6:01 am Last edited Sep 22, 2008, 6:02 am by wourpet
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Miami, Florida, USA - 16th October 2008
By: carlissa
I have arrived in Miami, Florida! It's late and I'm going to bed early tonight after my long trip here. I did want you to see the picture of me at Lago Luna.

Posted Oct 16, 2008, 3:20 pm
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Miami, Florida, USA - 24th October 2008
By: carlissa
The weather was absolutely miserable this morning! It was raining most of the morning, but when it stopped raining, my host told me that we were going for a ride!
Our first stop was at Panera Bread. My host is a member of Bookcrossing, and she wanted to leave some books in the book basket at Panera Bread.
Posted Oct 25, 2008, 12:16 am
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