Sydney, Australia - 8th June 2007
By: becka_kate
My name's Tamalyn and I'm eager to find out more about the life of a Siberian Tiger. Can you help me?
I'm a very courageous tiger who loves all kinds of adventures. I'm very outgoing and looking for thrills that would make my heart race. Anything you'd like to do with me is with possible. I won't say no! I think I have a wicked sense of humour and I love playing jokes on people, but promise not to play jokes at the expense of my hosts! I'm especially interested in travelling through Asia.
Posted Jun 8, 2007, 10:33 am Last edited Jun 27, 2007, 8:27 am by becka_kate
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Sydney, Australia - 26th June 2007
By: becka_kate
Tamalyn finally got on her way yesterday. She's been growling at me for days know because she's been sitting in the car waiting, with less patience everyday! for me to get to the post office before it shuts.
We all hope to hear from her soon!
Posted Jun 27, 2007, 8:30 am
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München, Germany - 3rd July 2007
By: Pandamao
Finally the top of my travel box opened and so nice - there were already several toyvoyagers waiting to welcome me - the twin bear girls, Hinz & Kunz and Klaus. What a warm welcome! It seems two envelopes had arrived. And there was Candy Cotton - one of my own family from Australia. We hadn't met before because I became a toyvoager later and Candy Cotton had already left Australia. We gave each other a big hug. It is so nice to meet family when going abroad for the first time. Blut then, I'm not easily scared. I'm a great adventurer.
Posted Jul 4, 2007, 10:07 pm Last edited Jul 7, 2007, 11:24 pm by Pandamao
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München, Germany - 8th July 2007
By: Pandamao
Another parcel arrived today and we all were really curious who is going to climb out .... it was Elisabeth and her little travel companion! Welcome!
Posted Jul 8, 2007, 9:12 pm Last edited Jul 8, 2007, 9:25 pm by Pandamao
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München, Germany - 14th July 2007
By: Pandamao
After long days of rain, rain, rain and rain I finally could go out and do a bit of sight-seeing in Munich. I saw the opera at Gärtnerplatz, Marienplatz, Hofbräuhaus (huge halles full of beer-drinking people) and the Viktualienmarkt (great for daily shopping of vegetables).
Posted Jul 15, 2007, 9:44 pm
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Possenhofen, Germany - 15th July 2007
By: Pandamao
We all went swimming in the Starnberger See as it was very hot. We took the S-Bahn to Possenhofen. We saw Possenhofen Castle. In this castle Princess Elisabeth von Bayern, later Empress of Austria, spent her youth. These days the castle has been turned into private apartments.
Posted Jul 16, 2007, 9:26 pm
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München, Germany - 19th July 2007
By: Pandamao
I had a nice chat with my host today. It seems she has stayed in a yurt and we were exchanging travel tips. Looks like there are more places for staying in yurts than only Mongolia. My host has stayed in a yurt of an Uighur family in the North-Western part of China (Xinjiang province) a long time ago (imagine - in 1987 - that's history). She says the nights have not been fun ... being locked into a corner and not able to get out (if not climbing over 20 people) and due to the strange food having the intestines playing hell with you. Well, that's not the topic to expand on here.
Otherwise she strongly recommends to see the Mongolian Republic during the National day. Then there are horse races, archery and wrestling contests. I've seen the photos, it's great. Inner Mongolia (that's a province in the PR China) is als nice but probably the Mongolian Republic is better.
Oh, I really want to go there having heard all those stories and seen the nice photos.
Posted Jul 19, 2007, 10:48 pm Last edited Jul 19, 2007, 11:02 pm by Pandamao
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Stockholm, Sweden - 23rd July 2007
By: Pandamao
On Monday our host took us on a business trip. As she could not get group travel rates (we were 10 including Pandamao) we had to squeeze hard into the suitcase. Luckily no broken seams or bones!
Later in the evening we went for a walk in the city center. There is lots of water ..... also from above, it was raining all evening. But we still managed to see from far the Kungliga Slottet (Royal Castle), Gamla Stan (Old City) and walked to Skeppsholmen Island where a lot of museums are located. The strange creatures in the photo must belong to the Modern Art Museum! We walked for quite a while until it was getting dark.
I tried to hire on that sailing boat and sail around the world, but they told me it's only for tourists and the viking days are gone. So I decided to hang on with my host a little longer if there's no adventure waiting.
Posted Jul 26, 2007, 10:27 pm Last edited Jul 27, 2007, 9:39 pm by Pandamao
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Stockholm, Sweden - 23rd July 2007
By: Pandamao
When it was dark we took the T-Bane back to the hotel. The Kungsträdgarden station is extra-ordinary, just look at the painted ceiling.
Finally we all went to bed after a long day.
Posted Jul 26, 2007, 10:50 pm
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Stockholm, Sweden - 24th July 2007
By: Pandamao
Today the weather was much better so we all went out for a stroll in Gamla Stan (Old City). We saw the Royal Castle, walked through the small streets and enjoyed ourselves a lot.
Posted Jul 27, 2007, 6:45 pm
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Stockholm, Sweden - 24th July 2007
By: Pandamao
I didn't know there would be dangerous creatures in the middle of Stockholm city - but there it was, a dangerous Swedish Viking Troll!!!!!
I roared as loud as I could and fought a brave fight with the Troll to save the other toyvoyagers
Needless to say that I won the fight
Trolls, ha, that's a piece of cake for me
Posted Jul 27, 2007, 6:49 pm
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Warsaw, Poland - 25th July 2007
By: Pandamao
Who says business trips are fun? After a long day in the office (we waited crammed into the trolley again) we took off to Warsaw. When we finally arrived in the hotel we immediately fell asleep.
Posted Jul 27, 2007, 7:07 pm
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Warsaw, Poland - 26th July 2007
By: Pandamao
Just before the flight back to Munich we had a few minutes to rush through Warsaw's old city center.
Posted Jul 29, 2007, 7:33 pm
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Schloss Nymphenburg, München, Germany - 12th August 2007
By: Pandamao
After long days of rain it finally was sunny again. So we went out to see Nymphenburg Castle, a summer residence with a large park. Today lots of people use it for a walk or jogging, and there are always a lot of tourists.
Posted Aug 12, 2007, 7:34 pm Last edited Aug 12, 2007, 7:35 pm by Pandamao
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